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Pics Of Your Bushing Dogs

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couple more of ours     first pic sire and dam in middle with 2 pups either side second pic mother middle pups either side

fell/russell/beagle/bull... . are some folk trying to reinvent the wheel.            

Old pic I have .1980 ish 

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Just to point out I dondon'tdon't know many hunters would call themselves a fairy?

If you are 14 I knuow from experience you'll be perfectly capable of using photo bucket or flickr. You will have facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat.... you know how to share pictures

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He (she?) makes me bit twitchy, I didn't want to say.


But it did seem odd the name fairy? I can imagine if it is an anti fishing they are dull enough to come up with a name like that.


I'll feel bad if it is someone trying, but I am also nervous of someone (without any guidance) from an urban area wanting to chase foxes with dogs will be the next pin up for the anti brigade.

Edited by Tozer
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OK fair play, a mod might want to tidy this thread up when this is done :bye:


Are you trying to use the photobucket app then?


I had problems with it not showing up, you know how to copy the links from the share menu? Then paste them into the post you are writing?

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Some really nice pics on this post and some great looking working types. Unfortunately I want to drag it back to the fairy10 thing. If he is genuine then he hasn't gained much from this community. Josh, if that's your real name, there is no easy fix. If you already have 4 terriers then I would say this is not ideal when you are just starting out, too many. However, they're your dogs now and you must do your best for them. 2 black dogs that aren't very game ? How would you know that ? It's that sort of thing that have raised people's suspicions.


Learn the present laws regarding hunting with dogs and just continue taking them out whenever you can. If there is game on the ground they will learn to find them and hunt them. If the land holds no game then work at finding more suitable ground. The dogs will develop to their own level given the chance. No easy fix.


Most importantly, RESPECT. Respect your dogs. They rely on you for every aspect of their life. House them well, feed them well, and provide for them the best quality of life that you can. RESPECT your quarry. Maybe go out without the dogs at times ? At dawn or dusk and just see what's about. Become a hunter ?

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I have 1 black dog that aint game mate I have here brown sister a plummer and a russell why aint 4 idea I wanted to have my own pack but east coast down load bbm and have the pics to u within minits u lot just dont think im genuine dont know why

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