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Anyone Lost A Dog Bushing?


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Aside from terriers going to ground has anyone here lost a bushing dog in the field?


Reason I ask is I'm movin house and will be near to my parents house and reckon their collie x would make a decent busher,it's biddable and

very keen on rabbits already.


but if anything happened to him there'd be hell to pay.

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My dog has broken a jaw, smashed his shoulders, twisted his elbows, knees and back and ripped of a dew claw during a course of three seasons, the other one has torn his achilles tendon.

Number three hasn't had anything so far apart from the obvious tares from brambles etc.


You can guess which one the high drive worker is...


All three dedicated bushing, mooching, ferreting pest control dogs. Worked year round.

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Thorns in their eyes, but this has only ever been from working gorse bushes.


I used to bush a small border collie bitch, would work any cover and as obedient as she was she was also a pain for following her nose and going off for 20 minutes at a time.....which wasn't a problem I'd just wait for her. More annoying was one of my Jack Russell's, if it went off for 10 minutes and didn't find me it would be heading straight back home,,,, across roads.


I do find you have to be on top of your bushing dogs, especially terriers, seem to be very focused on what they're doing. Mine can be a bit of a pain, amazing as she is you find yourself back tracking a lot to take her way from what she's found......she will tend to stick to it until a get to her...doing her job really.....as annoying as it can be I really have to admire her determination.

Edited by wuyang
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  On 11/05/2014 at 11:12, Bossie said:

My dog has broken a jaw, smashed his shoulders, twisted his elbows, knees and back and ripped of a dew claw during a course of three seasons, the other one has torn his achilles tendon.

Number three hasn't had anything so far apart from the obvious tares from brambles etc.


You can guess which one the high drive worker is...


All three dedicated bushing, mooching, ferreting pest control dogs. Worked year round.

You sure it hasnt fell down a well mate?

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No, broke the jaw in an orchard running flat out into a thick steel wire. Could have lost him, really lucky. Other injuries are just from high work drive on hard ground. He doesn't show any pain or discomfort when working, when we get home it'll usually show.

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  On 11/05/2014 at 09:41, forest of dean redneck said:

If it's biddable,how would you lose it,has it no recall.

no he's well behaved.


I was more seeing if anyone's had a bushing dog die or been very seriously injured out in the field.


a few cuts or bumps etc is no problem

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Ive lost terriers bushing about,some permanently,alas its part and parcel of the nature of the game.No matter how careful and dilligent you may be,any dog entering the field of work will at times not go home with you,accept that fact or don,t work em.

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Mate of mine had a terrier that was prone to f***ing off when we were hunting through the thick stuff. Most of the time it was back at his house sat on the doorstep waiting for him when after he'd eventually get pissed off looking for her and gone home! :laugh:

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I got an old Russell that fecks off regular,he's always been a digging dog

But likes a bit of bushing ,but he's a lazy ,Moody wanker,and usually pisses off back to the van ,while I'm at my wits end looking for him,

Edited by roybo
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