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F***ing People ....!

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Phone rings ..... " Hello? Is that the pest control? "


Yes. It is.


" Listen; Can ye get me that stuff the mice stick to? "


No, sir. That shit's illegal, in this country now.


" Can ye not get me some though? "


No, mate. It's been illegal for years now. It's f**king barbaric anyway. These days, we have far better traps.


" Traps? "


Yes. Mouse traps. In little boxes. Nothing else can get at them. Children can't. Pets can't. Unintended wild creatures can't.


They're great! Catch a mouse? Little yellow bar disappears and tells ye ye've got one. I can put ye onto those ....?


" But, ye can't get me that sticky stuff ....? "


(FFFS!!!) No, mate! That's like asking me if I can get ye some f**king Strychnine! It's Illegal!!!


" Oh. Alright then. Bye. "




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Fully understand your predicament Stephen,..I was a Commercial Pester for many, many years....   Obviously,..in Hospital Wards, food preparation areas..and similar high risk locations,...the roden

In Eire, under the Wildlife Act 1976 (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) only traps designed to be 'humane' and cause instant death or irreversible unconsciousness are allowed to be imported, sold or de

First saw sticky boards in France,...several dying mice were attached to the boards by their faces,..poor wee feckers looking up at me with bulging dark eyes,..a totaly fecking horrendous and perverte

First saw sticky boards in France,...several dying mice were attached to the boards by their faces,..poor wee feckers looking up at me with bulging dark eyes,..a totaly fecking horrendous and perverted way, to slowly kill any creature...and they are legal,...FFS.. :censored:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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Well they are vermin and rodents have been responsible for passing devastating diseases to mankind for millenia,The Black Death,Hanta virus,Weils disease,Lymes disease etc etc.Good riddance however you get rid of them I say!

Edited by roe-buck
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  On 10/05/2014 at 19:50, forest of dean redneck said:

must admit thought a trap would been more humane.


In Eire, under the Wildlife Act 1976 (Approved Traps, Snares and Nets) only traps designed to be 'humane' and cause instant death or irreversible unconsciousness are allowed to be imported, sold or deployed.


We're lucky then, in that we don't have to wring our hands and toss and turn through the night, worrying if this, or that time tested trap fits the bill. We have none of this nit picky STAO bollox.


Fenn traps are officially sanctioned. So, shit like Sawyer, Imbra and Juby ~ not to mention the Body Grips can be taken as a forgone conclusion.


Anyway; I know the law. And I don't deal with strangers who ring me up, asking for illegal stuff. That could have been any number of stings.


Frankly though? I think it was just one more knuckle dragging din' who thought those things are still legal here and who thinks anything is good enough for commensal rodents :rolleyes:


I don't deal with wankers either.

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