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Bit Of A Tip

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if you are struggling with shooting opportunities. Save time advertising to get land as its going to be a struggle.


do spend time asking questions from those who are experiences into the sport. Listen to the advice, check out permission slips. Knock some doors, if you get any potential opportunities. Speak to the guys ob the site best way to seal the deal and keep the landowners in your good books.


good luck and hope you benefit from this site and the inherent experiences as i have.


all you trolls looking to put people down. Fook off!

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if you are struggling with shooting opportunities. Save time advertising to get land as its going to be a struggle.


do spend time asking questions from those who are experiences into the sport. Listen to the advice, check out permission slips. Knock some doors, if you get any potential opportunities. Speak to the guys ob the site best way to seal the deal and keep the landowners in your good books.


good luck and hope you benefit from this site and the inherent experiences as i have.


well said but i think you mean keep in the landowners good books



all you trolls looking to put people down. Fook off!



well said


i am also getting fed up of the piss taking and damn outright rude reply's that is why i setup a website at selqwik.co.uk or rabbitcontrol.org.uk this is not intended to take anything away from this forum it is just for anyone who wants to chat without the sort of reply's you can get on here and other forums


and before i get the message go somewhere else well tbh i am not on here so much as i was

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Indeed, this chap took the time out to message me when I first joined and offered me some great advice now I have a few perms, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you pm'd him for some advice.


Ok we can all have a piss take, and it's good banter but sometimes it looks like there is a leader and the rest of em are the sheep following how it goes!!!


On the other hand, like a few others have said, rather than post asking for perms, post asking if you can go on a day out with em, not to shoot just to help out at least then you will be getting your name out there as someone who is genuine....


Don't give up on here and certainly don't get put off by people who this they have bigger bollox than bear grylls!!!

Edited by Sterlin1145
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