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Bulldogs With Balls!!!!

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Right get a service to a greyhound bitch, I think we may have found the honey badger dogs

and there was i just about to order straws of the game little dogs

Don't know if it's this one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIMpSTG6FBM

not saying anythings wrong they are ok for what they do mate but I've owned on when in Africa also rotts, American bulldogs and owned a Boerboel for alittle bit of time the shepherd was the weakest on the sleeve and just a weaker dog in general and it was a well bred dog but the other breeds have a lot more about them.

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i'm not sure on this gnasher, yokel and one or two will know more but didn't the terrier bring the gamesness and not the bulldog?


My point is a well bred pit bull should throw a certain amount of fire crossed on anything,you wouldnt expect it to produce gameness bred to a bulldog no......my theory in this case was that those bulldogs were in such a bad state breeding wise that it didnt even produce fire let alone gameness

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didn't know they x pits to them gnash , they x few into abds (Heinz, scott) and them don't seem to bad as abd go, more agile fitter than most abd, but they do look more pit looking than other abds :yes:



Bird this was just a one off breeding that a publican i know did some years ago to try and have a mean dog about the place......prick !.....Nothing wrong with their physical make up just nothing whatsoever inside.

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i'm not sure on this gnasher, yokel and one or two will know more but didn't the terrier bring the gamesness and not the bulldog?

when the original bulldog and terrier crosses came about,the bulldog of the day was a far different beast from the f****d up monstrosity of today! i would say, if the cross took place, both animals (bull and terrier) had something to add to the mix. in this day and age, i'd say a good honest working earth dog has equal gameness to a sporting bred "bulldawg"...he just uses it in different ways....j.m.o.


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i'm not sure on this gnasher, yokel and one or two will know more but didn't the terrier bring the gamesness and not the bulldog?

when the original bulldog and terrier crosses came about,the bulldog of the day was a far different beast from the f****d up monstrosity of today! i would say, if the cross took place, both animals (bull and terrier) had something to add to the mix. in this day and age, i'd say a good honest working earth dog has equal gameness to a sporting bred "bulldawg"...he just uses it in different ways....j.m.o.


from what I've read yokel they both added tenacity, the bulldog added gameness(if that's the correct term for the original bulldog) from being bred for baiting and the terrier added agility from its use in the rat pit
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I don't think terriers back then were anything like modern terriers.


They wouldn't have had the after care available,and they probably would have been running around free to keep rat populations down etc


Any really hard/game ones would just get injured and soon die not passing on their genes.


imo some would have been crossed with bulldogs to make them harder for the ratting competitionns,and a small amount of those crosses would have been added to the bulldog to bring down the size.

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I don't think terriers back then were anything like modern terriers.


They wouldn't have had the after care available,and they probably would have been running around free to keep rat populations down etc


Any really hard/game ones would just get injured and soon die not passing on their genes.


imo some would have been crossed with bulldogs to make them harder for the ratting competitionns,and a small amount of those crosses would have been added to the bulldog to bring down the size.

from what I've read the bull and terriers weren't agile enough for small numbers but had the gameness for the big numbers of rats but where prodimently used for dog fighting
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i'm not sure on this gnasher, yokel and one or two will know more but didn't the terrier bring the gamesness and not the bulldog?

My point is a well bred pit bull should throw a certain amount of fire crossed on anything,you wouldnt expect it to produce gameness bred to a bulldog no......my theory in this case was that those bulldogs were in such a bad state breeding wise that it didnt even produce fire let alone gameness

the apbt greatly increases the chances of fire but doesn't Guarantee it otherwise all halfx bull/greyhounds would hammer every fox they ever met but anyone with experience of these will be able to tell you that your chance is greatly increased but you still get ones that will spew like any other cross
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scotts a performance line mate bred for hunting\guard work and the are a lot more athletic, Johnson's type are a heavy set dog. I read that painter line dogs were bred for the box but i'm not sure of it.



Was it the English bull terrier who held the record for the most number of rats killed?

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