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just talking to the mrs about holidays for when little lad of school shes been talking about a motorhome for a while and doing a bit of traveling rather than be in the same place for a fortnight i wouldn't mind a old vw camper has anyone any experience in touring with a motorhome or campervan places they recommend postives or any negatives or what kind of motor they found to be decent

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I always liked those big f**k off American motor homes .


Saw one up by the side of a loch years ago firmly wedged in a country lane lol


Guess our roads aren't the best for then lol


Yorkshire , the borders plenty to see and fair few things the kids might enjoy


Plus you can do a wee bit fishing.


Good idea though. Wish more people ditched the holiday abroad and had it here

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that's the idea scothunter bit of fishing some sight seeing and a few beers and get bbq going and trying different places rather than stick to one place i will let her do the planning it will be a change if nought else and only has good as we make it might try devon/cornwall first then come back up north

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The old mans had a big motor home for years now, he's been all round Britain and most of Europe..

We used to tour about for our 6 week holiday as kids ( but that was in his old beat up transit van, proper roughing it, washing in rivers, eating fish that we caught, it was great) up the west side of the country, right round the top of Scotland and down the east... There are too many places worth going to mention you've just got to get out and do it.. We done Ireland a couple of times too,

I bought an old VW split screen (1967) about 8 year ago, my mate had a business importing them, me and my bro done it right up.. It was a smart looking thing and kitted right up, but... It was a pig to drive, broke down all the time was only good as a day tripper really, ended up selling it for a good lump of money, it paid for my wedding ( wish I'd kept the van lol)... Oh and the welsh bloke who bought it rang on the way home from picking it up, to tell us he'd broken down.... " what did you expect" lol...


If you go VW get a t4 or t5, we're looking at getting one now,

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that's the idea scothunter bit of fishing some sight seeing and a few beers and get bbq going and trying different places rather than stick to one place i will let her do the planning it will be a change if nought else and only has good as we make it might try devon/cornwall first then come back up north

If your heading down this way drop me a pm, I'll give you a few places worth visiting, and a couple of places you'll catch a fish or 2 mate..

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i got my birds dad a vw transporter really cheap he kitted it right out and travelled to spain in it and found a nice place that they really liked on the costa,they got in with some ex pats and an apartment came up for sale so they bought it and iv been going there for about 15yrs on holiday

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Not only are there kits you can buy,,for exact models of van,,, but there are company's that will do the work for for around £1500 ,,,,, so let's say you buy a half decent second hand van,,,,5 grand,,,spend 15 on a kit,,and 15 for a company to fit,,,8 grand in total ,,,,only a small amount of what second hand campers can fetch,,,, and you could save money by getting a good deal on a van and spending less if you know what your buying,,,,and like you said,,,be even better if you know someone with the skills

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just talking to the mrs about holidays for when little lad of school shes been talking about a motorhome for a while and doing a bit of traveling rather than be in the same place for a fortnight i wouldn't mind a old vw camper has anyone any experience in touring with a motorhome or campervan places they recommend postives or any negatives or what kind of motor they found to be decent

I've been thinking along the same lines...kids are at the perfect age for camping/caravanning holidays. Done a wee bit of camping with them now but my missus can't handle the sleeping in a tent bit for more than a day or two, but has stated that she'd love a go in a campervan. Trouble is they don't come cheap and I would like the comfort of knowing that if I bought one that we'd actually use the thing regularly and get our moneys worth. Might have a go at hiring one later this year and getting away for a few days. Hiring isn't cheap either, but cheaper & preferable to buying one and watching it parked up rusting away outside the house.

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cheers tomo wouldn't risk taking a project like that on myself but theres a old lad I know whos just retired who loves projects like that and it would work out a lot cheaper going to have a good luck in it :thumbs:

Forgot to mention,,,,there's loads of video on YouTube ,,,,of how to convert vans,,,,just look on line at the amount of kits,,,films and folk doing it,,,,

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crackin, next to the river, drop a little line in when no ones looking nice trout on the bbq few beers.


then off the next day down the road, never get board with a different location every night.


pick a decent tranny up for £1500 few hundred to convert it (nothing to flash).....got me thinking now :thumbs:

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cheers tomo I have had a look even showed the mrs she all for it but wants to spend that bit extra for better fixtures and fitting and wants it done proper not my frank spencer attempt :blink: but thanks for the help shes already looking in to it

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