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Dogs And Work!

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Not long ago I lost my old collie cross and have been considering getting a new dog but with my job which involves working away and weekends I'm starting to have doubts.


Just curious to see how you guys manage to fit in the time for the dogs with work? I'm really considering getting a local factory job so I can get back in the game, money's not everything in life IMO.

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Make the best, of the time you have got and dont worry about the time you havent

True, but with a pup it's vitally important to spend a lot of time with it to train it up and bond with it. With my job you don't get much notice of working away and sometimes we're away for 12 days at a time.


Tbh I'm sick of working away and doing weekends, looks like a paycut and a Mon-Fri job could be on the cards.

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With the job you have at the moment i would hold of getting a pup for now. Good luck finding a job closer to home. I spent 20yrs working long hours and 10 of those were away from home. I am at home every day now for the last 5 years, got myself back into hunting again, i only get a fraction of the pay i used to get but i am alot more happy and content.

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What about getting a slightly older dog to do away with rather than a pup? As you said pup might not be best plan if there won't be someone around enough to bring it on in formative months but seems a shame that you just don't have a dog at all? I appreciate that you'd need to be careful about not getting someone elses problem but some of the best dogs I've had have come to me at 10months-year, a gamble but has paid off. An adult dog is manageable around a full time job, as others say just means some sleep deprivation to keep it well exercised?

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What about getting a slightly older dog to do away with rather than a pup? As you said pup might not be best plan if there won't be someone around enough to bring it on in formative months but seems a shame that you just don't have a dog at all? I appreciate that you'd need to be careful about not getting someone elses problem but some of the best dogs I've had have come to me at 10months-year, a gamble but has paid off. An adult dog is manageable around a full time job, as others say just means some sleep deprivation to keep it well exercised?

Keeping it exercised might be a problem though if he works away from home.
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Ah right never clicked onto part about working away from home. Hmm paycut and better hours it is then ;) Can live on rabbits ;)


To be honest I went from full time to part time a few years ago for health reasons, basically I worked in high pressure job and was about to crack up and bizarrely although I've a lot less money coming in I'm not any less skint as I've no commuting or other costs associated with working in big lights. I do admittedly have no social life lol but I do have 5 dogs, 3 ferrets and am a lot sane-er ;)

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What about getting a slightly older dog to do away with rather than a pup? As you said pup might not be best plan if there won't be someone around enough to bring it on in formative months but seems a shame that you just don't have a dog at all? I appreciate that you'd need to be careful about not getting someone elses problem but some of the best dogs I've had have come to me at 10months-year, a gamble but has paid off. An adult dog is manageable around a full time job, as others say just means some sleep deprivation to keep it well exercised?

Never been into getting older dogs as 9 times out of 10 there's a good reason why the person is getting shut, I wouldn't dream of getting rid of a dog if it was any good.

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I work shifts and balancing family life and dog and work is a bloody nightmare. Luckily for me the wife is home to babysit the pooch. Sometimes though I think it is the time out and about with the dog that stops me cracking up.

Often been told by my dad years ago that we work to live not live to work. I wish I had listened to him more !

Good luck in finding a job you can live with.

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I work away a couple of days a week but im lucky that my mrs sorts em out for me and does a good job of it.....but compared to sorting out the horses etc at her dads farm growing up its a piece of piss :D

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I work away a couple of days a week but im lucky that my mrs sorts em out for me and does a good job of it.....but compared to sorting out the horses etc at her dads farm growing up its a piece of piss :D

Didn't you know after all this time? It's me who goes round when you are working away :laugh:

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