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Browning T-Bolt Target Varmint .22Lr

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Hi all.


Firstly. I normally wonder around the airguns threads on the HLF, so hello, but thought I'd pass by and ask about the rifle in the title. Ive applied for my FAC and would like to you know your thoughts and opinions re the Browning T-Bolt Target Varmint .22lr. Naturally Ive read and read alot of reviews and all seem to say that its rather rated. Ill be new to the rimfire discipline, but its something that interests me greatly and will mainly use it for target shooting but do have a permission available to me. I will be selling my Scorpion SE to fund the rifle, but will keep my Falcon Menace 4-14x44 scope and SAK moderator for it.


Anyone own or use the T-Bolt set up? What type of round would I be best to test the rifle with?


I also like the look and fit of the Anschutz 1517 in the same 22lr calibre.


Thanks in advance.



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I've had a T-Bolt for a few years, cracking gun. Very light for walking around with for a start and the action is father than a regular bolt.


The type of round will vary from rifle to rifle for the best results, mine doesn't shoot anything particularly badly. I tend to stick to either Winchester or Remington subs personally :thumbs:

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Buy a box of ever brand of ammo your dealer has in stock then try them, you'll be surprised just how differently some of them group in a particular rifle. My Anshutz shoots RWS like a shotgun but loves Eley and Lapula.


For target use you have the choice of various target ammo, most of which is subsonic anyhow. Just note that it's not really suitable to use target ammo for game as they are solid bullets not hollow point and will travel right through a rabbit without much hesitation ! ;)

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Thanks chaps. Much appreciated. Does the zero shift much between hollow point and target rounds? I'm guessing I've got the 'it's a good rifle nod' then.

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Even with the same ammo but different batches can cause a shift in zero.


At 50 yards its not going to make much of a difference but having bought a few different types/makes of ammo, then when you come to first zero the rifle, see how they all compare and how much the zero shifts with each one at the same distance.


You'll have an idea then.

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Same as you, I've seen a few reviews on the Browning T-Bolt and all of them have been very positive. Very good rifle.

Welcome to the rimfire discipline Rez. I can guarantee you will enjoy it. I suppose part of that enjoyment is trying out the different ammo, and being the cheapest of the rimfire rounds you can buy, it wont bust your pocket.


Sorry I cant comment on the Anschutz 1517.

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Yes, so I hear about the rimfire LR. It was either that or the 17hmr but hear there quite an expensive tip. Perhaps pros and cons to both rounds.


Elliot seen your 'tube channel mate a few weeks ago. Got me thinking about the Anschutz... Seems you came from the HW side of things too. Not looked back Im guessing?

Edited by Rez
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Yes, so I hear about the rimfire LR. It was either that or the 17hmr but hear there quite an expensive tip. Perhaps pros and cons to both rounds.


Elliot seen your 'tube channel mate a few weeks ago. Got me thinking about the Anschutz... Seems you came from the HW side of things too. Not looked back Im guessing?

Enjoying both my rimfires Rez but I wouldn't discount the Weihrauch HW60J. Comes in .22LR and .17 HMR.


Lovely rifles with amazing triggers - better than my standard Anschutz trigger. To me triggers make a massive difference, especially when you're trying to shoot the nuts off a knat at 100 yards :D

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The T bolts are a gimmick in my opinion. ( sorry ollie , please don't hold this against me ......)


I don't own one myself. I've owned different cz and Brno rimfire as well as marlin and weirauch and although they all had their slight plus and minus points, they all used the standard bolt action and performed as expected.


My current Brno mk 2 is a pleasure to shoot, silky smooth and crisp pull ( cheap trigger kit fitted by myself. Easy to fit and adjust )


My friend has a t bolt and I regularly use it .......


I find that I often pull shots due to the awful trigger, although this problem is lessened when shooting of a solid rest like a bean bag on car roof, and exaggerated when shooting of sticks etc.....

The trigger has minimal adjustment and doesn't adjust down far enough. As far as I'm aware there's also no current aftermarket trigger kits or units for it at this moment.


I also find that the noise when reloading causes rabbits to bolt and that when shooting 2 rabbits together, when I cycle the bolt of the truck roof on the bean bag it lunges forwards and back with the pressure and I have to re-find the quarry in the sight picture which is annoying.


Sorry to burst the bubble but.......


They are very loud to operate.


They are very clunky and jerky to operate.


The bolts are awkward to operate and you loose the sight picture during operation.


The triggers are awful. They are way too heavy and not easy to lighten.


On the plus side, I've found my mates to be very accurate ( when shooting slowly and very attentively with concentration on trigger pull of a rest when zeroing ), and the magazines do operate well.

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No problem here Dix, I can't say I've found the same issues with mine but that's what the forum is all about, sharing experiences :thumbs:


I don't really shoot that many rabbits with mine, there just aren't the numbers here. I usually use it for winged vermin so I have a bit more time between shots :yes:

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It was frustrating on Saturday night after seen some easy shots missed for no apparent reason. We put target up at 50 yards and shot a group that was spot on. Even my mate who has been dismissing my whines and moans lately as me just been "fussy" finally admitted that he "may " have pulled the odd shot and found the bolt awkward to operate either quietly or smoothly.


I've found it's like a marmite rifle, with no middle ground. Personally I'm not a marmite lover lol

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