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I've had one and got rid 2 weeks later. Not well balanced ie front heavy oh and loud. If you do decide on one go for FSB and silenced. Good points it was accurate to be fair and shot count was quite high!


Hope that helps, some people love them and it may suit your shooting style? Go and hold one first see what you think

Edited by Mr Mcgoo
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I had one , not balanced , not a very pointable gun ,action a bit load , great of a bi-pod but sold it to a mate ,then he sold it after shooting my HW100kt and bought a HW100kt .

You might be better off getting a second hand one , then send it off to XTX AIR for a tune , barrel cut down with a Hubb shroud the whole lot makes it a far better gun imo

In my opinion you would have a job to beat a HW100kt

Edited by villaman
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Well thanks all, my other thought was the HW100kt,which you have confirmed is a beauty and why I titled the topic BSA R10 to see what R10 owners thought, Is the lower shot count and extra £100 or so worth it? Still i suppose if i'm prepared to spend £700 another ton for the right weapon doesn't sound too bad but then add a moderator and a new scope and mounts and suddenly my budgets getting blown. I really wanted to keep my Scorpion se but maybe part-ex would be the way to go (can't shoot two at a time anyway) and i've never had an "out of the box" rifle as i have always bought secondhand but looking to treat myself.


Had I titled this topic HW100kt I'd be here until Christmas reading replies

Thanks again for your advice

Happy hunting, Tex

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  On 07/05/2014 at 03:37, Tex said:

Well thanks all, my other thought was the HW100kt,which you have confirmed is a beauty and why I titled the topic BSA R10 to see what R10 owners thought, Is the lower shot count and extra £100 or so worth it? Still i suppose if i'm prepared to spend £700 another ton for the right weapon doesn't sound too bad but then add a moderator and a new scope and mounts and suddenly my budgets getting blown. I really wanted to keep my Scorpion se but maybe part-ex would be the way to go (can't shoot two at a time anyway) and i've never had an "out of the box" rifle as i have always bought secondhand but looking to treat myself.


Had I titled this topic HW100kt I'd be here until Christmas reading replies

Thanks again for your advice

Happy hunting, Tex


Don't forget you get a mod and two mags with the HW100 and you can pick up new guns for about £720 , some are selling them for £706


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My .22 hw100kt gets 92 full power shots at 11.4 ftlb s mate. Thats 6 full mags and 8 shots to check zero. Get 2 mags with it and a silencer aswel. Honestly i cant think of a pcp i would prefer. Not even a legendary theoben rapid. And the thumbhole stock is fully ambidextrous and even as a left hander reloading on the right is a piece of cake .


Mine was £755 brand new but prices do vary.


If i only had one rifle it would be this one.

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I had the kt in 177 with a and m cylinder. Got 85 full power shots. Very point able, quiet balanced and deadly accurate. This rifle is clinical best way to put it and I'll be getting another one day.


Although I now have an air arms that I love, the hw100 would match any air rifle on the market today, engineering quality is second to none

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I knew it came with the 2 mags. but not the mod aswell, .22 kt it is then. Big thank you guys. I will look for a good deal near to me.

Any thoughts as to what flavour pellets? My BSA likes RWS Superdomes

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  On 07/05/2014 at 09:56, Tex said:

I knew it came with the 2 mags. but not the mod aswell, .22 kt it is then. Big thank you guys. I will look for a good deal near to me.

Any thoughts as to what flavour pellets? My BSA likes RWS Superdomes


Falcon accuracy plus 13.4 gr , Crossman premier ultra 14.3gr , Daystate li same pellet, rws superfields 15.9gr ,AA fields 16gr . Crossman's in my HW100kt gives out more FT/lb than any other .22 pellet ,Give them a go. Falcons are all so another good pellet running at 620-625 fps about 11.4- 11.5 FT/LB

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