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Time For The Mccanns To Worry????

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Cnuts should be doing time they left that bairn unattended to go for a meal , It might never have happened if they where better parents

Something's just can't be defended.   I can't get my head round why anyone would even remotely show sympathy for they pair of c**ts.   The fact is they are to blame for this kids disappearance.

"Time For The McCanns To Worry ???" At a guess, I'd say they have been worried sick since discovering she was missing ! Whatever they did, right or wrong, no parent should have to go through what they

People end up dead and buried all the time under other's noses :yes:


I truly feel sorry for the kid, poor little girl. But, I also feel sorry for all the kids traumatised by the constant coverage at the time. I can remember my daughter at 5 years old in tears asking if it could happen to her... I'd never let any of the dogs sleep or even go upstairs until that day :yes:

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"Time For The McCanns To Worry ???" At a guess, I'd say they have been worried sick since discovering she was missing ! Whatever they did, right or wrong, no parent should have to go through what they are going through.........

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Seen them getting interviewed other night , and every interview i have ever seen. They never gave me the impression of being worried parents.


Quite the opposite in fact. He has a constant smirk on his face .


Pair of horrible c**ts

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Odds are that whatever get's found..if anything at all...the Mcmurderers will discount..just like everything else that has ever pointed at them being the culprits. Read the police interview transcripts..then look at all the evidence...blood in the apartment..cadaver dogs giving positive reading for a dead body in the apartment..the list goes on. But when you have friends in high places then anything can be rebuked.

If that had happened here they'd have been doing time a long time ago.

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Although i dont agree with their parenting skills,i dont think they have anything to do with it personally.It must be the worse pain ever not knowing whats happend to your child and i pray i never experience that

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As said the one you must feel sorry for is the bairn Maddy . Every interview ive seen the father does look like a smug barstool whos getting away with something , the mother does look worried though , Even if they do find a body will forensics be able to determine who killed her seven years ago ?. And whos paying for there lack of parenting skill with British detectives being over there for seven years ?the British tax payer of course . If it was up to me i would of put there other two kids into care till its all sorted out

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Im sure I read a while ago that there is a lot more children missing in Portugal since Maddie went missing,and they have never been found either .Something just doesnt feel right about the Maddie case though,the Mccans got the book stopped from being published that one of the Police Officers on the case wrote,wonder what was in it that made them get it stopped from being published ?? Out of order leaving litttle kids like her home alone so they could go out for a meal.

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Not sure where or what exactly I read recently, but it goes along the strength off..... people have been convicted on less evidence than the evidence against them re: the cadaver dogs.


But in Portugal its inadmissable evidence...

Edited by GD Waz
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  On 06/05/2014 at 20:30, GD Waz said:

people have been convicted on less evidence than the evidence against them re: the cadaver dogs.



They've definitely got teflon backers, mate.


Frankly? I'd raise a glass if I heard they were both found, shot in the face, tomorrow.


But, the levels they're operating at? They probably have round the f**king clock, SAS protection. Paid for by the tax payers.

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