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My Lad

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Here's some pics of my bushing Patterdale, loves to be out working, tireless, game but good with all dogs he's worked with, he's a big lad at 15" and 13kg but very strong through cover, does anyone else have anything like this working,





The Runners



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I used to hace something similar. She died of old age a couple of years back.


1/2 jack russell the rest is open to guess, the dam came back in pup from Ireland. She coulf get through nearly amything and went all day. As a young dog she'd be after a ruddy hare for an hour


Randomly I just measured that collie/spaniel with her today and she is 22 tts shoulder, so the brindle was about 19-20 tts.




My new bitch is 12 tts and 4 months old. Not

Edited by Tozer
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Did have a plummer x which was very similar in stature to your patterdale, she was probably slightly taller but she wasn't a bad dog bushing ect but as i have said in other posts she got run down paddys day this year, bloody awfull, she was just getting the hang of things, this season just gone being her first. She was great at killing rats and she was starting too peg rabbits in the cover fairly regular aswell. shame that. atb daywalker.

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Lovely little dog that.

Does he go to ground much?

Just over a year old now Gaz and not gone to ground yet, but I do keep a spade handy, it would need to be a large hole to get those shoulders through.

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He has caught my eye in a few posts and is exactly what I am hoping mine comes out like. There are the dedicated working dogs, beagle/spaniel/terriers and I like my random terriers for this job.

In theory he would make a good cross for mine as a replacement if she makes the grade, but that is pie in the sky and a long way off.

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Lovely little dog that.

Does he go to ground much?

Just over a year old now Gaz and not gone to ground yet, but I do keep a spade handy, it would need to be a large hole to get those shoulders through.


Wasn't you offering him at stud other day??? Wait till dog older mate

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Lovely little dog that.

Does he go to ground much?


Just over a year old now Gaz and not gone to ground yet, but I do keep a spade handy, it would need to be a large hole to get those shoulders through.

Wasn't you offering him at stud other day??? Wait till dog older mate

Yea Leegreen was looking for a Terrier spaniel stud dog but had no response so offered as an option if he was desperate but sourced a dog local to him.

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My dog is about 15 tts strong as feck gets thro any cover and has a good turn if speed for a terrier

I was concerned when I got him if he would be able to keep up with us when out for a mooch, now it have to keep on top of him to keep him back with me, he's not got bad pace for a muscle bound terrier.

He brought out two young Bunnys last night with mixy, which we didn't need around here as the numbers were just recovering from all the rain we had end of last year.

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