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Mountain Views.....

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Did you take steroids tomo

Yep,,I sure did,,,so yeh I cheated,,lol,,,


What I will say though is this,,,I only ever did little stacks ,,for relatively short periods,,,and my hole time flirting with gear only lasted about 3 years,,,


So in the big scale of things,,,,hardly an extreme use,,,,,


But yeh I cheated,,,,so come on chuck it at me,,lol



Whats this Tomo you all " butched up " since i hinted you was in touch with your feminine side :D ............good size there but i agree its disgraceful cheating like that !..........Apparently Ronnie O Sullivan was cheating all through the snooker world championships he was using chalk on his cue !!!!......Cheating little c**t whats the world coming to :whistling:

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Got quite a few but can't be ar*ed to re-size um.

I coned her Stan ,,,,in just a few short years I ,went from this       To this,,,lol  

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Great view from about two thirds of the way up Scarfell Pike:




Oh hang on a minute.




That top pic is the little girl's route up Scafell :laugh: :laugh: :tongue2: :tongue2:


I was taking my 63yr old father up and the big fat hairy collie has no back hips so we didn't do well. It was a shit walk as it was so busy but I will never forget my dad's bonding moment with the fat collie. He hates dogs so I got three of 'em :D :D He loves the fat one now though due to an episode on the way up to the roof of England.

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Great view from about two thirds of the way up Scarfell Pike:




Oh hang on a minute.




That top pic is the little girl's route up Scafell :laugh: :laugh: :tongue2: :tongue2:


I was taking my 63yr old father up and the big fat hairy collie has no back hips so we didn't do well. It was a shit walk as it was so busy but I will never forget my dad's bonding moment with the fat collie. He hates dogs so I got three of 'em :D :D He loves the fat one now though due to an episode on the way up to the roof of England.


Can't remember the name of the tarn on that route but we went skinny dipping when it was packed with tourists :laugh: we soon ended up with the immediate area to ourselves :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: and also remember a couple walking bollock naked except for rucksacks and footwear down the goat path that leads from the pike onto Lords rake and down to Wastwater they even said hello unabashed which I replied "nice day for it" it was bloody October :icon_eek::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Went up Skiddaw for my father's 60th but when we reached the top the weather had closed in and we couldn't see anything. On top of that the weather wrecked the camera and at one point my father said "We'd better head back of somebody could die!" Told him to man up and then had to hold the girlfriend between us so she didn't blow away :D :D :D Anyway, as you can see Skiddaw from my parent's back garden I went up the next summer and we waited for a nice day and then pegged it to get up there before the weather caught us out again. This time we made it to the top on a clear day and we went up the Wainwright route Mushroom. No fannying about on this one.


The view across to Derwent:






Across Bassenthwaite (the only lake ;))






The view back across to my parent's and Scotland:




Me and the old man:




Anyone want to buy a mountain? This one is for a sale. Here a few views from Blencathra (Saddleback):


Derwent peeking out.










Sit still dog!!!




Then there was the walk over to Haystacks from Honister Slate Mine:








Old man and his (mine) dog.









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I tried to like but ran out :laugh: :laugh:


That pic from Skiddaw up to Derwent....... if I remember correctly Castle Crag is straight infront of you in the distance (but out of view in that pic) correct??


Some great pics there mate I've done them walks myself.


Once walking up that flat hill opposite Helvelyn (on the other side of the road I forget the name and my OS are at home in Blighty) We got caught in the worst feckin blizzard I've had the unfortunate luck to be caught in, in England. Luckily when I go in the mountains I go prepared, so we sat in a split bivvy bag having a brew for an hour while the storm passed. When we reappeared there was a group of six people wandering around looking like prime Mountain Rescue candidates wearing feckin summer wind cheaters and bloody trainers :icon_eek: It was nearly minus 10 :laugh: We offered them a cuppa and "educated" them the error of their ways some people are morons and shouldn't be allowed in a park let alone a mountain :laugh: :laugh: I've loads of memories of idiots in the Lakes :yes:

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