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When Should The Terrier Travel ?

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Hi all, I got myself a seleham russle terrier hoping to dig foxes with him this coming winter, he is 10 months old at the moment and has killed a fox in a stop end already, i was walking him around some disused earths today, he stook his nose in the mouth of the earth and smelled inside and walked away ? Should he of travelled the earth or will the terrier only go in if there is a fox inside the earth ?

. He has met his quarry Be it at an age i consider to young and now knows the scent. Coupled with what else goes with it !!!!! You have awoken his natural instict hopefully he will now do what come naturally , my concern for you is what he might allso meet and may take a liking to !!!!!! , as i said in my first reply some will run a earth some terriers are bold as youngsters and their natural Keenness to explore will entice them in. Its easy to sit behind a pc and dole out advise its hard bringing on your first terrier.on your own Mistakes will be made. But thats life keep at it bud. And good luck. . Edited by gonetoearth
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and what im trying to say is don't everything deserve a 2nd chance?? a good long ear gets away in my eyes and there not my game,,if we caught everything we hunted im sure we would get bored,fish in a barrel,my next earth may be my worst or the best,but I wont hang up my shovel because of it,, and heres one for you it took nigel Mansell 3 times to pass his test,,and the terriers get one,id like to know what age yours and foxdroppers dogs start to work,,be careful answering this,yous either have kennel fulls or don't do much hunting,i forgot you only breed when needed,give the rest away,aND NEVER PICK A BAD PUP,BECAUSE FULL LITTER PUUUURFECT

lol... your a very entertaining individual i will give you that.... but terrier work in the US.A.. U.K and Ireland or any other country, France Slovakia where ever is meant to be carried out by competent folk...you surely dont sound like this too me, you sound like the ANTIS wet dream....

so i will try and give you my OPINION!......... and thats all this will be my opinion...not FACT just the way I look at things! but ive been proved wrong many times so i could be wrong here lol.....


as has been stated if you are trying to compare a terrier entering to quarry for his first time and a human doing their driving test, heres my comparison.

its like this if the driving instructor is not in it too drain money out of the student and genuinely is their too help people pass their test and not take the preverbial, and also providing the person he is teaching is a well rounded individual and not out there to pass his test so he can boy race or act the maggot, just pass his test and get on way life....

then it will be fair to say that if the instructor knows his stuff and the student is confident then both will have clicked and come to the conclusion that the time is right to do the test! driving test or self enter test....

and yes some pass 1st go and take driving in their stride for the rest of their lives and it wont fizzle them too drive anywhere anytime....and the very same with the right terriers...


Just out of curiosity have you passed you driving test?

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and what im trying to say is don't everything deserve a 2nd chance?? a good long ear gets away in my eyes and there not my game,,if we caught everything we hunted im sure we would get bored,fish in a barrel,my next earth may be my worst or the best,but I wont hang up my shovel because of it,, and heres one for you it took nigel Mansell 3 times to pass his test,,and the terriers get one,id like to know what age yours and foxdroppers dogs start to work,,be careful answering this,yous either have kennel fulls or don't do much hunting,i forgot you only breed when needed,give the rest away,aND NEVER PICK A BAD PUP,BECAUSE FULL LITTER PUUUURFECT

lol... your a very entertaining individual i will give you that.... but terrier work in the US.A.. U.K and Ireland or any other country, France Slovakia where ever is meant to be carried out by competent folk...you surely dont sound like this too me, you sound like the ANTIS wet dream....

so i will try and give you my OPINION!......... and thats all this will be my opinion...not FACT just the way I look at things! but ive been proved wrong many times so i could be wrong here lol.....


as has been stated if you are trying to compare a terrier entering to quarry for his first time and a human doing their driving test, heres my comparison.

its like this if the driving instructor is not in it too drain money out of the student and genuinely is their too help people pass their test and not take the preverbial, and also providing the person he is teaching is a well rounded individual and not out there to pass his test so he can boy race or act the maggot, just pass his test and get on way life....

then it will be fair to say that if the instructor knows his stuff and the student is confident then both will have clicked and come to the conclusion that the time is right to do the test! driving test or self enter test....

and yes some pass 1st go and take driving in their stride for the rest of their lives and it wont fizzle them too drive anywhere anytime....and the very same with the right terriers...


Just out of curiosity have you passed you driving test?[/

Edited by gonetoearth
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As to the initial post by the lad, you can never be 100% guaranteed thet theres nothing at home if the terrier is not allowed to run the earth.

Even then some dogs are better finders than others, some can't find when one has been run in, conversly,

following several hunts over several decades I've seen hounds run over earths and then seen a terrrier entered

and had a result.

I'm not an "expert" like some on here, a hunt terrier man or a pest controller but I have seen foxing dogs of all descriptions work for over 40 years.


JMHO before I get shot down LOL


Cheers, D.

dyke as ever a sensible post.


I'm no dyke - unless you mean I fancy women :hmm::laugh:


Must be on drugs LOL


Cheers, D.

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