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When Should The Terrier Travel ?

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Sometimes the fear of the dark hole scares some dogs more than the quarry at the end, but I like to get dogs comfortable around holes by letting them watch then letting them have a run about, a dog has to learn when to say no at earths which are empty, and only by checking empty and live earths will it click in its head what it's job is in the hunt. I guess it's just different ways that people do it, but who's right or wrong? My opinion is which ever works best for you and your dogs are working week in week out them that's the correct way for you.


if this is the case then you really do want to get out of terrier work...... LOL.....
have you never seen dogs that' won't go to ground but aren't afraid of getting stuck in? I certainly have. And I'm saying that every body has different ways of introducing young dogs to the job required of them. There's no written instruction manual that I know off,
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IMO a terrier has not the same freedom as say 30year ago when you could let it run loose and skip from 1 side of a bank to the next or run a bank of holes incase old billy-brock is at home so its on a lead and walked to an entrance now but a good well seasoned terrier should mark an occupied earth or say no when empty,after all thats what that thing on the front of there face is for,lol.I have seen lads while out rough shooting with springers keep sending the dogs into the hedge or cover but again a good springer does not need to do every inch of hedge,they should enter where the game is,jmo.

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Just re-read this through and one lad really has no idea and thats gonetoearth .He has no idea what line breeding has done ,is doing ,therefore it cant be true .Spouting shite that most see through yet not many speak out about .Read some of his posts here and try make sense of the many contradictions .

Back to reality and im surprised to read some posts talking about running pups through empty places .How they achieve this is beyond me,ive never owned anything that wanted in where there was nothing at home as some will surely agree. I would have to force a pup in and put my boot behind it ?A terrier is only aware of what its nose tells it at whatever age .The robots i write of are so alike in work style it really needs no other explanation.They start hard but steady up to bay /mix the more work they see .Again this cant be true because scatterbred shite aint like that .Ask some of the well known names on here that keep a line ,ask what they work like ,what they enter like,what the similarities are .Individuals they maybe but bound together by ties deeper than the pretenders will ever know.Again you can only educate people that have the brain capacity to learn ,maybe its dulled over the age of 45 lol.

The reason some people have a kennel full of this and that is not because they need tools for different jobs its because they flit from this and that seeking the ideal tool for all jobs but it evades them and the cycle goes on .

Must be painful for some to see that others have achieved it.

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Just re-read this through and one lad really has no idea and thats gonetoearth .He has no idea what line breeding has done ,is doing ,therefore it cant be true .Spouting shite that most see through yet not many speak out about .Read some of his posts here and try make sense of the many contradictions .

Back to reality and im surprised to read some posts talking about running pups through empty places .How they achieve this is beyond me,ive never owned anything that wanted in where there was nothing at home as some will surely agree. I would have to force a pup in and put my boot behind it ?A terrier is only aware of what its nose tells it at whatever age .The robots i write of are so alike in work style it really needs no other explanation.They start hard but steady up to bay /mix the more work they see .Again this cant be true because scatterbred shite aint like that .Ask some of the well known names on here that keep a line ,ask what they work like ,what they enter like,what the similarities are .Individuals they maybe but bound together by ties deeper than the pretenders will ever know.Again you can only educate people that have the brain capacity to learn ,maybe its dulled over the age of 45 lol.

The reason some people have a kennel full of this and that is not because they need tools for different jobs its because they flit from this and that seeking the ideal tool for all jobs but it evades them and the cycle goes on .

Must be painful for some to see that others have achieved it.


. Lol. Shite wich bit upset you the truth ive come across your type all my life. Oh and i repeat if your terriers are so prolific why do you rifle FOXDROPPER Edited by gonetoearth
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IMO a terrier has not the same freedom as say 30year ago when you could let it run loose and skip from 1 side of a bank to the next or run a bank of holes incase old billy-brock is at home so its on a lead and walked to an entrance now but a good well seasoned terrier should mark an occupied earth or say no when empty,after all thats what that thing on the front of there face is for,lol.I have seen lads while out rough shooting with springers keep sending the dogs into the hedge or cover but again a good springer does not need to do every inch of hedge,they should enter where the game is,jmo.

. Spot on bud times have changed Making a true fox dog worth its wieght in gold
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Again if you knew anything about line breeding you wouldnt be making yourself look a tit now .Of course there are failures but not the percentage you are used to .My idea of a cull is worlds apart from yours though ,details of which are on other threads you have looked a tit on. I cull if a dog dosnt fit my idea of what i want to breed simple.I cull for reasons that will be beyond you ,of which you will no doubt pick up on but i cant be arsed to explain .If you had come across my type all your life you wouldnt look a tit now as youd have something to feed and be proud of and be on the way with your own line or you just arnt smart enough to spot the real deal.Either way you are now out of your depth .

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Again if you knew anything about line breeding you wouldnt be making yourself look a tit now .Of course there are failures but not the percentage you are used to .My idea of a cull is worlds apart from yours though ,details of which are on other threads you have looked a tit on. I cull if a dog dosnt fit my idea of what i want to breed simple.I cull for reasons that will be beyond you ,of which you will no doubt pick up on but i cant be arsed to explain .If you had come across my type all your life you wouldnt look a tit now as youd have something to feed and be proud of and be on the way with your own line or you just arnt smart enough to spot the real deal.Either way you are now out of your depth .


. Ooooo tit lol. Come on. Why do you rifle when you have a kennle full of super line bred Terrier who never fail to mark surly in wiltshire shire you get out from you tranpsport and give charlie the respect due instead of the old zip in the head bet some were you have the old bullit in the mouth trophy photo foxy
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Again if you knew anything about line breeding you wouldnt be making yourself look a tit now .Of course there are failures but not the percentage you are used to .My idea of a cull is worlds apart from yours though ,details of which are on other threads you have looked a tit on. I cull if a dog dosnt fit my idea of what i want to breed simple.I cull for reasons that will be beyond you ,of which you will no doubt pick up on but i cant be arsed to explain .If you had come across my type all your life you wouldnt look a tit now as youd have something to feed and be proud of and be on the way with your own line or you just arnt smart enough to spot the real deal.Either way you are now out of your depth .

. Ooooo tit lol. Come on. Why do you rifle when you have a kennle full of super line bred Terrier who never fail to mark surly in wiltshire shire you get out from you tranpsport and give charlie the respect due instead of the old zip in the head bet some were you have the old bullit in the mouth trophy photo foxy


A good reason to stay off drugs lads .You write shit like this. WTF does any of this mean

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Again if you knew anything about line breeding you wouldnt be making yourself look a tit now .Of course there are failures but not the percentage you are used to .My idea of a cull is worlds apart from yours though ,details of which are on other threads you have looked a tit on. I cull if a dog dosnt fit my idea of what i want to breed simple.I cull for reasons that will be beyond you ,of which you will no doubt pick up on but i cant be arsed to explain .If you had come across my type all your life you wouldnt look a tit now as youd have something to feed and be proud of and be on the way with your own line or you just arnt smart enough to spot the real deal.Either way you are now out of your depth .


. Ooooo tit lol. Come on. Why do you rifle when you have a kennle full of super line bred Terrier who never fail to mark surly in wiltshire shire you get out from you tranpsport and give charlie the respect due instead of the old zip in the head bet some were you have the old bullit in the mouth trophy photo foxy

A good reason to stay off drugs lads .You write shit like this. WTF does any of this mean

. Ah the old are you on drugs reply. Why do. You rifle when you have a kennel of 100% marking digging dogs Edited by gonetoearth
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GONE TO EARTH,i agree with you mate,foxdropper youre keen to jump in on a post and slag folk,start one and let us decide about you,you must either breed the best terriers around,if you do NAME YOUR PRICE ill buy one,,or you shoot and injure so many that crawl into the nearest earth that your ROBOTS (your words not mine) cant fail to find,,we all hunt,dig ,ferret,fish,shoot,hawk,what ever we are all on here for the same reason,,to save the pastimes we love,,for fooks sake im so dedicated my 10 year old sons name is TALLY HO WOOD,,IM ANDY WOOD,,thats how passionate I am about it and my 3year old is MAX HUNTER WOOD,,ive got it tattooed all over my body, my worst thing is getting wound up by fellow members,dont slag me and I wont slag you,,we all should stand up together and sane our countries countryside pastimes,,come on boys and girls,,unite not fight,,,

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Again lads stay off drugs .Drugs and terriers dont mix nor does money but this joker seems to think its ok .Anyone read his posts in the other thread top of page lol .You can press all you like gonetodrugs but unless you re-read old posts the reason for culling will have to remain a mystery to you and the jealousy will have to burn just like that needle in your arm. I have a kennel of 100% digging dogs because i cull not the other way round .

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Tally aint no fight son its debate lol. Me i have nothing to prove to any one just can not get my head round mr dropper he may have a fine line dont know dont need to know. Dont really care truth be known never liked that type any way but my qestion remains why would a man who have tools to do a job use a rifle to control , in an area such as wilshire. The very same person not that ive been back over his posts but i remember his affinity with hounds, i know its the internet mr dropper but using words like tit and getting all personal just makes you well a bit childish come on give your head a shake calm down am sure you have a perfectly good excuse to rifle

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Again lads stay off drugs .Drugs and terriers dont mix nor does money but this joker seems to think its ok .Anyone read his posts in the other thread top of page lol .You can press all you like gonetodrugs but unless you re-read old posts the reason for culling will have to remain a mystery to you and the jealousy will have to burn just like that needle in your arm. I have a kennel of 100% digging dogs because i cull not the other way round .

. Did a grown man with a fac really write that how embarrassing Edited by gonetoearth
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Foxdropper say who the post is for,, you slagged me for selling a non working terrier?? Why?? I didn't get on with the dog, it had done some whitey things around me but still didn't kill it, and now having money is a bad thing,,i grafted legally for my money mate, have the luxury to do 3 days so dogs get more attention and I can hunt thru winter more,with dogs not a big bad gun ive always said a dog gives the quarrey a chance,a gun don't,,gun sometimes is a must on shoots etc,but when we were allowed to lamp foxes with dogs did you miss many or did the robots do it 100% as always,and as for the digging times,i bet you never failed to find that sneaky hole that old Charlie sneaked out of,,i don't hide behind a alias,and hunt up and down the country,does that make me bad aswell,,

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