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Bad End Too A Nice Day

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Sure is northernlite scotlands a right of way country free to walk wherever you wish only thing they can say is dog should have been on the lead but we have an argument that the banking is not fenced off and being serious no bullsh*t a kid could honestly get up it maybe not a toddler but 5/6yr old onwards no probs, when the guy met my brother last night from network rail to had the dog over he said he was away too inspect the fence he had came through and too make sure that he hadnt caused any damage to it my brother soon replied what f**k*ng fence theres nothing there how the f**k do you think the deer and dog got up there in the first place so furious at all this so many things you could say you would change ie dont normally end up that far on the walkway only went cause my dad wanted to continue further to try see the mink hes been watching for few weeks and was trying to show the girls then i should have let my bro kp her on the lead as shes been bit tempramentle with recall for him but is always brand new with me (just not when on a deer!!!) But i was just like let her be let her bush away with the other 2 how much i regret that but cant change it now

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Thanks for your wishes joe certainly taken too young not even 15months old she was. Must say aaron i know that saying goes that your collars would out last the dog but didnt expect her to be getting burried with it on just after a week of me getting it for her of lee anyway collars nothing dogs everything dunno if my brothers getting another aaron think hes a bit down bout it if he does think its going to have to be another whippet but might not happen dunno yet ill give you a shout for that lead anyway at end of month hopefully youll get the webbing in thanks everyone geo

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Well after all this has happened im chuffed too say i managed to get my wee bro back on a straight wagon again in just under a week and hes decided hes going to get him self a new whippet pup but not straight away prob in a month or so once hes got the money together for purchasing and getting jags etc done, Hopefully we can get one this side of the border but if ive got to take him down south he will be getting told dont look no further than 2 1/2hrs drive away lol anyway anyone know of any litters due next month or at least not ready to go till next month let us know cheers geo and thanks to those who kindly offered us a lurcher pup free but as said i always thought if it was going to be another it would have been a whippet

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