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Bad End Too A Nice Day

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Well started the day at the mother inlaws breaky cooked etc time spent with kids and great grandma there too so once we finished there headed to my mum and dads too just make a full day off kids seeing grand parents then once there decided me my wee bro dad and kids would go a decent wee walk sadly on the way back dogs take after a deer 2 come back to getting shouted on but head strong selective hearing nyx the youngest whippet didnt listen normally i just whistle and shout but for some unknown horrible gut feeling i and my brother bolted up the railway banking when nearly at the top i hear a train coming and think the worst infact my heart sank i just knew [BANNED TEXT] i even got to top and sure enough there she was little nyxie baby as she was known to the family Just lying so not a very nice end would never have believed anyone that morning if they had said youll be burrying your dog by the end of today!!!


Gutted feel empty

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Its a big tear on the heart for me but my wee bro has had the dog last month or so as she was proving too much in the house for the wife but my wee bro had gone through bad times spliting with his girlfriend etc and took to drugs but came off and has been off for couple of months and the fact he had the wee dog she was keeping him on the straight and narrow and i just hope too hell this dont tip him over again as he really took too her he is so upset over this thats whats bothering me more

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Yeah that would be good but only reason he was aloud nyx at my mum and dads was cause if he didnt take her she would have had to go to some stranger and he and my family were not for that just cause she wouldnt listen to the wife so they/he took her on for me i hope he will be ok hes no junky but was on a small cocktail and knows it him self and dont think he wants it again as he sourced help in first place himself anyway thanks for kind words

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Not me mate im a big chicken sh*t but my wee bro didnt hold back thats for sure he has taken all blame for being on the railway find out soon if hes getting done or not for trespassing its not a criminal offence apparently but holds a hefty fine at very most be as said hes already told guy yesterday if it happens he can ram it but wait and see he did in the end say he would be putting in his statement act of natural instinct go after your dog!!

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Only thing against him is if they take a look and judge him on his criminal record he will stand no chance as hes previously been a bad lad or infact a good lad gone down a bad track with some bad people

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If it's a just a fine he gets, similar to parking fines, tell him to offer £1 a week or they can take him to court, if he requests to be taken to court, by law they have to do it, and rather than fannying around they'll either waive the fine or accept a quid a week.

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