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2 More For The R10!

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I decided to nip to the farm in preparation of a session tomorrow trying to get the Pigeons, the idea was to look for a few good places to put up hides.


My Mrs asked if she could come as see fancied a walk as the weather was nice.


I knew if I didn't take the rifle I'd see stuff, so threw it in the car just in case!


After scouting out what I wanted I decided to see if anything was around, to be fair the Mrs tried desperately to not make any sound and she was good as gold.


I spotted a couple of rabbits playing in the opposite field that I was walking so told her to stay put while I went after them. I got to about 40 yards lay down and just waited for a decent shot...




After that we decided to make our way back to the car, walking along a track with Rape to my right a hedge on my left and a ploughed field on the other side of the hedge, a rabbit jumped out 20 yards away, he saw us and ran straight back into the ploughed field and down the hedge about another 30 yards then stopped dead. I told the Mrs to stay put and started walking down to about 30 yards away but just couldn't get a clean shot. I went down on one knee as I could still see it, I turned around to tell the Mrs to stay put and the silly buggers taking selfies ffs!


I turn back to the rabbit and I can see it making it's way back onto the track so I decided to lay down and wait, sure enough it hops on the track and starts making its way towards me!. It gets to about 20 yards and I squeak it to make it stop and quickly take the shot.


Another perfect shot!




I even convince the Mrs to pose with it :)




And lastly one of my ugly mug...




Hopefully tomorrow will be as productive!

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That one your lass is holding looks like a hair bud the back legs look long just like a hairs if you look at the first photo it looks completely different different colour and longer ears nice shooting bud atvbmac :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

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It does look like a young hare from the pics because of the legs, but the head and ears tell me rabbit. But if it was killed humanely killed with a head shot, then I wouldn't worry about it, nice shooting :thumbs:

Edited by shaaark
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Mac, if it was Hare then it was pretty young, it didn't have the usual markings Hares have on their ears. The picture of our lass holding it makes it look much bigger than it actually was.

hahaha love it, was only a kit Mac, bless her she'll love that Matt.


Great shooting, our lass wouldn't pick up a rabbit mind!


And I'm ALWAYS telling wor lass to be quiet too, or she'll wake the kids.... :icon_redface::icon_redface:


Have fun today Matt & Mac.

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When i seen them back legs i thought hare. Nothing wrong there tho. You skinned it yet ? My mate said hares have darker meat than rabbits ??

I skinned it straight away, the skin came off way way easier than the rabbits, maybe because it was young. The meat looked identical to the rabbit in my bag.

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It does look like a young hare from the pics because of the legs, but the head and ears tell me rabbit. But if it was killed humanely killed with a head shot, then I wouldn't worry about it, nice shooting :thumbs:

Straight threw it's eye, went down without a kick.


The perm has loads of Hares that are that big you'd be able to throw a saddle on and ride the b*****ds, some of them would need a nuclear strike to take em out!

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There is the possibility of a hybrid but unlikely as the lads said, done and dusted with one shot it doesn't get more humane than that. well done (for getting the missus to pose) doubt if i could get mine to do that.

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