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Sit And Watch As Pete Masters Baits ....!

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:yes: I've been talking to some seriously involved guys. They've passed on tips about how to make baits for predators.

Today then, I started the first part of this long, and none to clever, process.

It kind of starts off vile. Then just gets ever f**king worse!

Being of a generous and giving nature, obviously, I decided to share it with you.

Step One: We prepare a suitable, meaty base. And, obviously, what pred' can resist mice ....?



The end result, rinsed out with a cup of water, looks like this:




I have a couple of feral kittens I'd have loved to have added to the mix. Only, my food blender could never manage them. Maybe if I can get my hands on a mincer? (Where's Tarquin when ye need him? :laugh:)


I've pin pricked a few holes in the snap on lid of that bucket. Now, I'm supposed to leave it out in the sun for a week.


Who ever suggested that has, patently, never lived in Eire!


I'll update when I get to the next stage :yes:

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I have my own " Few Other Ingredients " lined up, Woodga ;)


F**king bucket's been sat out there for days now. In the cold and wind. FS! I've half a mind to refreeze it. Wait till some truly decent weather arrives. Then start again. I'd even buy meat from the butcher. I've simply not enough of anything suitable here.

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