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Max X Edmond Reilly Girl Bitch

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  On 06/05/2014 at 23:08, welcome said:


  On 06/05/2014 at 22:27, iceman001979 said:


  On 06/05/2014 at 22:22, welcome said:


  On 06/05/2014 at 21:37, iceman001979 said:


  On 06/05/2014 at 20:33, welcome said:


  On 06/05/2014 at 19:53, nans pat said:


  On 06/05/2014 at 17:34, brendy mc l said:

icey u can make them up alright whos the north men lol


hear theres a new squad on facebook.LOL
Facebook is like fantasy land for these lads their telling each other stories and their getting better and better :yes::yes::laugh::laugh: they wouldent know a dog if he grabbed them by the balls FFS i seen some of these new d v d s and if thats what they want give me the mongrels i have every time .Two foot of grass in the middle of summer throw the dog on top of the hare FFS WHAT HAPPENED TO FAIR PLAY OR SPORT its no wonder its banned in the u,k and its going to be banned here aswell more fellas hunting now than at christmas their only getting in to full swing now :bad:
What DVD was this????Not joking most yous men must only hunt in Dec and Jan fs.Fair play there's a clip off you on you tube slipping at one in the seat also running ted and lady doubled up but you come on here talking about fair play wise up.What sites on Facebook are this story's on like a good story.
I hunt from oct to feb the last 20 years since i gave my head a shake and accidents can happen but i try and run one dog at a time and give the hare fair play.The sites on face book im sure yea know im not on face book but i know people that are i hear their was some famous dogs being talked about on it .Any clips of your stuff icey did you not say yea got a camera last year or for christmas or something?????
No clips but l show Yea them running this year if Yea want.So when you run doubled up or slip at one in a seat its a accident but anybody else does its bad crack.What you mean you give hare fair play?????What famous Dogs stop talking shit and just come out with it.

Im away to bed now icey im getting old you should get someone to help you on here and explain what people are saying.Usually if yea see two dogs with me its an accident and fare play is one dog and a bit of a start at the right time of year.Brian Plummer wrote in one of his books that their wasent a half a dozen dog in england that could kill a hare in january with fair law [100YDS start for icey] I think he was right but he should have said ireland wales and scotland aswell :thumbs:100yrds head start in lreland and you have been hunting 20 years.Theres few men hunted with you and have seen you run doubled up.Well look at them DVD again and you see hares getting a good start and get caught.Clips from Oct to feb.

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put wat to bed bally boy theres nothing to put to bed its all nonsense if i go out run cap beat him dont mean anything really but imy dog run better on the day and the same way around if he beat me th

right lads it the month of may and men talking about matches i will just leave it between ye ant my style what has happen to the day that men would go out have a couple of hunt and a bit of crack and

Yeh this is nailey boy p bitch Irish fly there full sisters don't think much between them both very good animals edmond r bred them   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oek-W56uU9k&feature=youtube_

right lads it the month of may and men talking about matches i will just leave it between ye ant my style what has happen to the day that men would go out have a couple of hunt and a bit of crack and no one talk bad about dogs there is 2 much hate out there i will hunt with any man but i will have nothing to do with any of this best of look lads 2 ye

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Run your dogs to please yourselves fs what's all the matching about if yous are gonna run a comp do it for the craic and enjoy the days out not to prove my dogs better than yours

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Exactly that's what its made out to be was few lads have a comp for the crack maybe home and away,not my dog is better than yours like it was years ago when Irish lads went over the pond i am sure they went over for the crack and days hunting,and as far as I know The English lads came back to Ireland for the same and enjoyed themselves,maybe lads on here picking it up wrong,with matches and all That,it is only for the crack which looks like there is no interst in this anyway,either way if it happened It should of being for the days sport and crack like it was years ago.but anyway if it is start another topic lol I try keep this topic clean and thanks for the good coments lads I looking forward to see how these pups go thanks lads

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thats wat its all about going out having a laugh get a few runs head on home i come on here to try make a few friends in the game and all u get is ppl throwing there 2 pence worth in trying to stir shit ill just stick to my own squad if any one want a hunt with me i be happy to go just enjoy your mutts like i do this north vs south wat a lot of shit good luck lads

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  On 07/05/2014 at 17:27, brendy mc l said:

thats wat its all about going out having a laugh get a few runs head on home i come on here to try make a few friends in the game and all u get is ppl throwing there 2 pence worth in trying to stir shit ill just stick to my own squad if any one want a hunt with me i be happy to go just enjoy your mutts like i do this north vs south wat a lot of shit good luck lads

you must a been drinking at the party on facebookLOL.

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