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Help Our Heroes Guys!

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Just thought I'd post this on here,


Myself and one of my mates are doing some fundraising for help for heroes.

We all know how good this charity is so I don't need to explain what they do.


From 30th may - 1st June we will be climbing the three highest peaks in Wales to raise money for this charity. We will climb one peak per day, Snowdon day one, cladair idrif day two and pen y fan day three.


I understand not everyone can donate but even just sharing the link around your Facebook will be greatly appreciated.




Thanks guys!

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I was in my local Tesco's getting my ratpack of half a dozen beers and a cooked chicken. As I was leaving, the Help For Hero's guys were collecting. I was wearing an old desert dpm shirt, so the lads got craicing with me. I was embarrassed by the fact I had no coin on me, I paid for my stuff by card; but was also embarresed that lads who had fought for this country had to stand in a supermarket to get donations for hero's !! The Government should be ashamed ! Living in luxury when hero's have to resort to charity !! By the way, I went to a cash machine and got some cash and made a donation. All the best to you lads in your efforts, you can be sure you are held in far higher regard than the Quislings in Parliament !!

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Thanks mate its much appreciated. If they are willing to risk their lives and well being for this country then we shouldn't just turn our back when they are injured! The only reason we have this freedom is because of them and we all take it for granted!

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help for heroes only help those that served before a certain date,look it up for yourselves.the parrys also run it as a business again look into it,all merchandise goes to there business ie themselves with just a few percent going to our lads/lasses serving/served.look what they had before setting h4h up look what they have now.

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I know the merchandise doesn't go to troops, I know that provides a wage and helps towards running costs however donations and fundraising goes into the charity which has a registered charity number so would be a massive offense to dip into that for personal use. As for only helping vets before a certain date I've not seen anything about that and Google isn't showing anything that I can see. Everything has flaws but don't forget h4h is a charity and it shouldn't even be up to them to do the job that they do it should be our country as a whole!

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the shame of the whole situation is NON OF OUR PEOPLE SHOULD BE THERE , the whole situation was a Tony Blair con

he and his ar$eholing buddy George W Bush thought if they could tame the afgan cave men that the massive gas reserves in yet another muslim $hithole could be piped through Pakishittystan to benefit us (various governments officials even more so) but things back fired on our poor boys who are probably there because unfortunately they joined the armed forces for a job , getting injured & maimed means feck off your of no use now , give us a replacement


that's the treatment our service personal get , shame that a big proportion of them end up like beggars on the streets and other having to raise funds when the c unt$ that sent them there seem very willing to forget

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try getting them to help pre 1991 veterans,ie falklands,ireland vets ive constantly helped these lads/lasses after they have been turned down by h4h.look at the parrys wages etc.i helped/rehomed/fed these older veterans for years from my own pocket whilst the parrys filled there pockets,as well as having the latest motors etc all from there business enterprise.look at how many they have on there payroll all paid by people giving them cash they thought would be helping veterans

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Help for Heroes only help soldiers after Gulf war 1 they do nothing for Falklands, Northern Ireland, Korean war,!st or 2nd world war veterans. Bryn Parry is making money hand over fist out of it which is why I only donate to the British Legion and Keep soldiers off the Streets.The British Legion helps them all and are actually losing money because of H4H but you are right it shouldn't be left to charity our govt should be looking after them properly.Respect to current serving soldiers but we should look after them all.I did nearly 13 years in the army(ex Royal Signals) so I am not knocking anybody for trying to help but the British Legion needs your help more


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unfortunately since Englands French wars things have been the same , the returning fleet from the battles of the Napolionic war was moored in the thames estuary and left to starve to death because the crown/country did not have the means to pay them or did not want to pay them

fast forward to the early 20th centuary 1914-18 look how those poor sods were treated and remained traumatised the rest of there lives

1939-1945 same again 1950s korea ,..............yep same again

it goes on and on and whatever political party is in power at the time nothing is ever done for our own people and we see all sorts of adverts telling and luring our young men and women into a PROFESSIONAL service for which they are just going to be shafted as soon as their usefulness is no longer required

yet in any other job/industry that sort of employers attitude would certainly not be accepted and now we see those young professionals being made redundant while still serving in the field and the foocking cheeky government wanting to enlarge the TA army

yep our boys get the $HIT END OF THE STICK

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check out the charities commision for help for heroes,170 paid staff all this is taken from the donations that people give thinking there helping our lads/lasses but most of it pay over the top wages to them.meanwhile all smaller charities miss out on donations because of the publicity of h4h.

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kruby01 , a chance for you to score highly

do what your planning and raise the money for what is a very warm heartfelt need to help others and I admire you for that

get the publicity not for your self, but for your concern and motivation, and if the media are present just mention without malice that the money would be better used/distributed if it went to the royal british legion because of concerns over the salaries the officials are on at H4H , you will make lots of new friends and do more good

Edited by raymond1
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