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What Do Us Lurchermen Really Want

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Maybe so, but I'd need to be sectioned under the mental f***ing health act, to even contemplate voting BNP.   Seriously mate do you really support them?

What this lurcher man want is the law putting back so i can go back to how i used to hunt with dogs and not get my dogs taken away for running h,f,d

We all know whats happening to this country but voting for them fools(BNP) won't make a blind bit of difference.

Ukip have simply become the latest trendy club for half hearted patriots to get behind as though they are the potential saviours of all things British.......scratch beneath the surface and you find a whole heap of hypocritical bullshit aimed at people who are sick of the way things are but not quite sick enough to do anything quite as drastic as risk possibly being labelled a racist.....most people talk about Ukip and immigration in the same sentance like Ukip are going to save the day its like a bunch of energetic schoolboys trying to get a younger bunch of energetic schoolboys to " spread the word "...........a word that has been spread for years before only not in quite such a respectable lardy da way................ maybe im just out of touch and i need to get in with the " Vote Ukip " gang :boogy:

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why does anyone think any of them would actually do anything to benefit the ordinary working man, the people who put themselves up for any political position of power (be it local councillors or mp`s) only do it for their own ego`s sake, no way will any of the two faced b*****ds ever do what they promise to do to get your vote, once they are in the only concern they have is staying in and lining their own pockets (and their families) as deeply as they can

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What i want is to see is the hunting act & dangerous dogs act scrapped, land owners/farmers should be able to control animal populations as they see fit be it as long as they are not being deliberately cruel, Badgers, fox, deer or rabbit etc and for people that are not into hunting and harvesting game to keep there f***ing noses out of what does not concern them, but unfortunately politics gets in the way, theres only one person thats ever walked into parliment with a good idea and we still celerbrate that day every year "remember, remember the 5th of November!" ;)

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