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What Do Us Lurchermen Really Want

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Maybe so, but I'd need to be sectioned under the mental f***ing health act, to even contemplate voting BNP.   Seriously mate do you really support them?

What this lurcher man want is the law putting back so i can go back to how i used to hunt with dogs and not get my dogs taken away for running h,f,d

We all know whats happening to this country but voting for them fools(BNP) won't make a blind bit of difference.


What makes you think that then John.. They the BNP are not allowed on the

tv because they tell it like it is, and the powers that be dont like (ME OR YOU)

hearing that kind of information..


Griffin's been on tv before and made himself look pretty stupid tbh.

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What makes you think that then John.. They the BNP are not allowed on the

tv because they tell it like it is, and the powers that be dont like (ME OR YOU)

hearing that kind of information..

Griffin's been on tv before and made himself look pretty stupid tbh.


Nick Griffin did not have the chance to speak back if you remember

rightly without being shouted down, by a hand picked (BBC SCUMBAG) audience

of silly students that helped in the banning of hunting Johnnyboy 68"

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What makes you think that then John.. They the BNP are not allowed on the

tv because they tell it like it is, and the powers that be dont like (ME OR YOU)

hearing that kind of information..

Griffin's been on tv before and made himself look pretty stupid tbh.


Nick Griffin did not have the chance to speak back if you remember

rightly without being shouted down, by a hand picked (BBC SCUMBAG) audience

of silly students that helped in the banning of hunting Johnnyboy 68"


So if we all go and vote for BNP we'll get hunting back is it?


If you believe that your a little deluded imo, the laws on hunting as we knew them are part of our past and sadly they'll stay like that.

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What makes you think that then John.. They the BNP are not allowed on the

tv because they tell it like it is, and the powers that be dont like (ME OR YOU)

hearing that kind of information..

Griffin's been on tv before and made himself look pretty stupid tbh.


Nick Griffin did not have the chance to speak back if you remember

rightly without being shouted down, by a hand picked (BBC SCUMBAG) audience

of silly students that helped in the banning of hunting Johnnyboy 68"


So if we all go and vote for BNP we'll get hunting back is it?


If you believe that your a little deluded imo, the laws on hunting as we knew them are part of our past and sadly they'll stay like that.


That would be left for the country towns folk to decide in a vote,

at least they would be given the oppurtunity to decide country laws.

And yes i could not agree with you more, all the time people keep voting for LIB LAB CON UKIP

then expect that otherwise there is the BNP, SIMPLES..

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BNP the party who couldn't manage their own coffers. They are bankrupt last I heard.


Will say this though. It's a pity ukip didn't have better candidates. He ones I have seen researched are kinda strange.


Folk are voting for Nigel the man himself, but I think they didn't realise how far they would come in such a short time, now they are in a great position,they are lacking some of the bigger guns.


They will do well and if Farage is as clever as I think he will spend the next few year building a party that can punch it's on weight.


cause the only one who does it now is farage.

Can see why some thing it's a one man party.

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That's why we must continue to work our dogs, no matter what, and try to help and encourage new comers young or old into the fold

The way its going my old slip lead in 25 -30 yrs there will not

be any newcomers our country wil be full of invaders, it will just be a distant memory

and God help us, no one listened.. The BNP is trying to save what is great in



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BNP the party who couldn't manage their own coffers. They are bankrupt last I heard.


Will say this though. It's a pity ukip didn't have better candidates. He ones I have seen researched are kinda strange.


Folk are voting for Nigel the man himself, but I think they didn't realise how far they would come in such a short time, now they are in a great position,they are lacking some of the bigger guns.Well thats what happens when you are allowed on that pile of shite BBC

nigle farage is a propper puppet for the false saviour of britain.. DONT BE FOOLED



They will do well and if Farage is as clever as I think he will spend the next few year building a party that can punch it's on weight.


cause the only one who does it now is farage.

Can see why some thing it's a one man party.

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Of course UKIP aren't against immigration. Seriously is that where we're at these days? "f**k all the immigrants" while swigging the dregs out of a can of stella? UKIP pretty simply want full sovereignty returned to the British government, so we can fully control our borders. They want sustainability........ they don't want to torpedo ships of asylum seekers or to treat Ghurkhas as mercenaries or any number of other unpopular BNP stances.


Some people accuse them as being a watered down limp wristed BNP/NF....... others, myself included, see them as a sensible conservative/nationalist party. Their politics are fundamentally different to the BNPs and quite frankly would be better off if the BNP fan club stuck with the BNP and stayed well away from UKIP. The one thing garunteed to kill UKIP is if they become seen as THE right wing nationalist party. I'm quite happy for the BNP to keep that title....

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Well my black lurcher read this and won't sit next to the fawn or brindle, the brindles refused to work with the fawn and the fawn is calling the brindle a tar brush lordy! glad the terriers can't read!


Mind sighthound types are not to sharp lolol.

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What makes you think that then John.. They the BNP are not allowed on thetv because they tell it like it is, and the powers that be dont like (ME OR YOU)hearing that kind of information..

Griffin's been on tv before and made himself look pretty stupid tbh.
Nick Griffin did not have the chance to speak back if you rememberrightly without being shouted down, by a hand picked (BBC SCUMBAG) audienceof silly students that helped in the banning of hunting Johnnyboy 68"

Griffins an incompetent leader who won't Step down no matter what.


A few UKIP politicians will help us create a culture where free speech is allowed along with the right to protest and maybe even very quietly discriminate lol


in short it will help us achieve a natural balance,where the best leaders for this country will be allowed to rise to the top.

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