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Feeding ferrets before rabbiting

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just wondering, ive heard debates over wether you should feed ferrets before you work them or dont feed them for at least 12hours before you work them?!

its supposed to make them work better if they arnet fed?



could we settle this once and for all?

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who ever says dont feed them before they go working is talking b*****ks. who works well on an empty stomach ? ive never starved my ferrets, & ive never had a lay up, never !.


you dont want them to start eating under ground, otherwise you are just going to start getting the spade out and dig. i free feed mine all the time and never leave their court with no food.


end of the day all you want your ferrets to do is chase them out.


with any question on these forums youll end up getting 10 different answers. what works for you might not work well for someone else.


try feeding them and see how they work, then try starving them and be prepared to dig.



Edited by richie
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I always think that, while they're probably a bit keener when they're hungry, it's not fair expecting them to work all day on an empty stomach. I feel that they're also more likely to lay up. The motivation to hunt rabbits is always in them anyway, and they still work well.

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who ever says dont feed them before they go working is talking b*****ks. who works well on an empty stomach ? ive never starved my ferrets, & ive never had a lay up, never !.


you dont want them to start eating under ground, otherwise you are just going to start getting the spade out and dig. i free feed mine all the time and never leave their court with no food.


end of the day all you want your ferrets to do is chase them out.



NEVER HAD A LAY UP ? then your ferrets must be crap.

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who ever says dont feed them before they go working is talking b*****ks. who works well on an empty stomach ? ive never starved my ferrets, & ive never had a lay up, never !.


you dont want them to start eating under ground, otherwise you are just going to start getting the spade out and dig. i free feed mine all the time and never leave their court with no food.


end of the day all you want your ferrets to do is chase them out.



NEVER HAD A LAY UP ? then your ferrets must be crap.


how do you work that out then ? you aint got a f****** clue !

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who ever says dont feed them before they go working is talking b*****ks. who works well on an empty stomach ? ive never starved my ferrets, & ive never had a lay up, never !.


you dont want them to start eating under ground, otherwise you are just going to start getting the spade out and dig. i free feed mine all the time and never leave their court with no food.


end of the day all you want your ferrets to do is chase them out.



NEVER HAD A LAY UP ? then your ferrets must be crap.


how do you work that out then ? you aint got a f****** clue !

and it appears that your ferrets dont , EITHER!

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Now now children! Let's not start a fight over nothing! We're all friends here!


Personally, I feed mine every evening, and if I'm working them the next day, then so be it.

They don't get any extra or any less. I get the occassional lay up, but then that's part of the sport in my opinion!


Experiment, if feeding them before you go out works for you, then that's what you should do! If not, then don't!

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Now now children! Let's not start a fight over nothing! We're all friends here!


Personally, I feed mine every evening, and if I'm working them the next day, then so be it.

They don't get any extra or any less. I get the occassional lay up, but then that's part of the sport in my opinion!


Experiment, if feeding them before you go out works for you, then that's what you should do! If not, then don't!



ron, i agree with you. what ever works, i personally stick with what works for me. i can only comment on my experience.


i just dont appreciate some bloke getting my back up first thing in the morning, looking for conflict.




micky !


" NEVER HAD A LAY UP ? then your ferrets must be crap "... what kind of comment is that ? obviously you are trying to get a rise out of me !. do you think im the kind of bloke that wants to start a childish slagging match over some forum ? ive pm`d you my number so any more comments you have, you can make them personally to me..




Edited by richie
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Always feed mine before going out. I figure I wouldn't like to work on an empty stomack and neither would they. I have very few layups and when they do catch under they move on quickly and don't wait around to eat it.

They are no less eager to hunt; they do it for fun.




thats what mine tend to do. you hear the occassional rabbits screaming, then silence, then shortly the ferrets will appear with claret all over their face. i know mine are killing under ground and moving on. thats what i want them to do.



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