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Has recharge the electrolytes liquid been banned if not, where can i get some. Its something about one of the ingredients in it that was not good for the dogs, is there

anything else like recharge on the market, if any body knows please post thanks.. :victory::victory:

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Has recharge the electrolytes liquid been banned if not, where can i get some. Its something about one of the ingredients in it that was not good for the dogs, is there

anything else like recharge on the market, if any body knows please post thanks.. :victory::victory:

The ingredient being sodium citrate...........

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As dogs don't sweat to any great extent they shouldn’t need electrolyte supplementation unless they are unwell.


If a dogs badly dehydrated due to vomiting/diarrhoea, then as an alternative you could use Dioralyte from the chemist http://www.dioralyte.co.uk/content/dioralyte-relief-information-leaflet-online-version#1.%20What%20is%20Dioralyte%20Relief%20and%20what%20is%20it%20used%20for if you haven't got a product for dogs.


In general if its thirsty use water, if its hard run and over heated use water and glucose or water and an energy bar whilst cooling it down.

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