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Don't be silly! Leopards would drag their carcasses up trees!   Puma's are Mountain Lions. I'll bet there's precious few mountains round there.   Clipo; Any signs of a caustic scent? Old aerosols

theres none fooking left

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Same thing happens every year on the loch at work mallards hatch off loads of ducklings and not one see,s it to maturity ,the gulls ,coots and moorhens and cats see them off

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just took the dogs a walk to get a photo as was to light earlier and people all over the shop so didnt want to look a weird kunt taking pictures of dead ducklings......... :laugh::laugh:


my bitch wasnt interested in any scent around it so might be crows....... :hmm:








any definite answers............ :hmm:

Edited by clipo
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  On 28/04/2014 at 21:21, clipo said:

just took the dogs a walk to get a photo as was to light earlier and people all over the shop and didnt want to look a weird kunt taking pictures of dead ducklings......... :laugh::laugh:


my bitch wasnt interested in any scent around it so might be crows....... :hmm:








any definite answers............ :hmm:



weird kunt --- :hmm::hmm::whistling::whistling:

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  On 28/04/2014 at 21:24, J Darcy said:

Humans aside, it can only be one of two predators.....otters or mink....look for tracks in the soft mud and you'll soon get the answer.... :victory:

Only two predators?? :blink:


I can think of five capable of the top of my head; Rat, stoat, Weasel, mink, otter.


Could also have been cat, corvid, raptor or anything else that take a fancy to an easy buffet :laugh:

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defo not an otter as im sure i would of seen one or at least a sign of one over the years.......cant rule out mink or rats tho but just been a walk down after work and theres a freshly hatched clutch of 6 down there swimming round with the mother (another khaki campell lol) and in the willow tree above them was a crow watching them swim about.......... :yes: will take a spinning rod down for an hour or two one evening this week and keep an eye on what happens while i have a few casts...... :thumbs:

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in my opinion any mustelid would eat the whole of something that small (except possibly a weasel), i'm not sure about a crow's method of feeding but i have often seeen them pull pigeon squabs from the nest then hammer them on the back of the head to kill them so possibly a crow. but for me the leading culprit is definitely a rat. had one get in with my quail years ago, and all had the heads eaten and nothing else.

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was down there last night and got this picture (im fully aware its shite lol)




the crow ive circled never took his eyes of the ducklings as they swam around but as soon as he seen me he flew off, circled around untill i walked past then went straight to the same willow tree when id walked past!!


95% sure its them kunts now........ :thumbs:

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