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Again where are the police qualified to say whether a dog should be removed or not ? Their not so they ask the RSPCA to do it who are a charity with no powers ... So again I can't understand how this can go on ......

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Get Clive to push every charge possible all the way mate, I'd be phoning papers and everything, all over facebook you name it, take them for everything

right here is the update i was charged by the rspca with 6 charges keeping 9 dogs for animal fighting being present at an animal fight causing an animal fight cruelty to a dog causing s

Just got conformation from the solicitor ect the warrant seems to have legality issues the dogs seized seems to be illegal have to wait 14 days for a response from the chief constable then its court a

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I assume the dogs are being held as evidence as part of the investigation? The police seized the dogs and left them in the care of the rspca so they're being held under police powers.

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I assume the dogs are being held as evidence as part of the investigation? The police seized the dogs and left them in the care of the rspca so they're being held under police powers.

if that's the case then arn`t the police responsible for the preservation of evidence at the time it was seized, any evidence they nailed is deteriorating during the time that's its in their custody, this needs going to a judicial review, Dym, pm me if you have put this to your brief, would like to hear what his view is over this, what I can`t get through my head is how they can drag things along for so long when the animals concerned are still alive and needing care, surely if it was put in front of a judge he could rule that they had to go to an independent kennels, afterall their health seems to be getting worse under the RSPCA care

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can't believe this is still going on ,

It beggars belief .

Someone ought to go to their office and report a mistreatment of animals ,record the conversation,tell them what's happened to the dogs ,then give them their own address

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I assume the dogs are being held as evidence as part of the investigation? The police seized the dogs and left them in the care of the rspca so they're being held under police powers.

if that's the case then arn`t the police responsible for the preservation of evidence at the time it was seized, any evidence they nailed is deteriorating during the time that's its in their custody, this needs going to a judicial review, Dym, pm me if you have put this to your brief, would like to hear what his view is over this, what I can`t get through my head is how they can drag things along for so long when the animals concerned are still alive and needing care, surely if it was put in front of a judge he could rule that they had to go to an independent kennels, afterall their health seems to be getting worse under the RSPCA care



Sadly the police's attitude to animal welfare cases is "leave it to the RSPCA they know best" good luck getting them to second guess the charity :no:

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A big march to london with big posters of dys dogs and go bang on number 10 door tv the lot will come,as this needs togo on tv,if the rspca found a dog in a bag in your home you be in all the papers,news an sat in prison

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Surely if the dogs are being neglected in their care you can have them removed from their care

We have asked for this and the police have not moved them as its normal practice i assume for dogs to die and be neglected in rspca care


Dymented I can't understand if that in the eyes of the law the dogs are being held illegally why you can't just walk in there lead the dogs up and walk out with them .......

we are told from the solicitors they have no paperwork for the dogs they are holding there for they should not be holding the dogs and its illegal



Dymented I can't understand if that in the eyes of the law the dogs are being held illegally why you can't just walk in there lead the dogs up and walk out with them .......

Their only a charity,if it was police kennels different matter.


every time i have seen the dogs the rspca bring them to a police station so the police are there as well as the charity workers



Dymented I can't understand if that in the eyes of the law the dogs are being held illegally why you can't just walk in there lead the dogs up and walk out with them .......


Does Dymented actually know where the dogs are kenneled?

Y.I.S Leeview


i have taken the rspca to court regarding who is responsible as the police say it was the charity workers and the charity workers claimed it was the police A judge determined the rspca have no legal powers what so ever and the police are responsible for seizing the dogs the rspca are agents holding them for the police so we have asked for a judicial review on the matter


Again where are the police qualified to say whether a dog should be removed or not ? Their not so they ask the RSPCA to do it who are a charity with no powers ... So again I can't understand how this can go on ......

the rspca or police can not legally seize any animal unless a vet says so there own vet they took all the dogs to examine did not treat the dogs as they did not need anything


I assume the dogs are being held as evidence as part of the investigation? The police seized the dogs and left them in the care of the rspca so they're being held under police powers.

when i took them to court they claimed they needed to hold on to the dogs to gather forensic evidence ? your guess is as good as mine after 9 months if they haven't got what they wanted by then they ant getting it so we asked for a judicial review as well on that matter



I assume the dogs are being held as evidence as part of the investigation? The police seized the dogs and left them in the care of the rspca so they're being held under police powers.

if that's the case then arn`t the police responsible for the preservation of evidence at the time it was seized, any evidence they nailed is deteriorating during the time that's its in their custody, this needs going to a judicial review, Dym, pm me if you have put this to your brief, would like to hear what his view is over this, what I can`t get through my head is how they can drag things along for so long when the animals concerned are still alive and needing care, surely if it was put in front of a judge he could rule that they had to go to an independent kennels, afterall their health seems to be getting worse under the RSPCA care


we have arranged for a judicial review for some strange reason every one turned up but the judge as some clerk for got to put the date in for the judge i was fuming by then we are now going down a different avenue i do not want to enlighten the charity workers to this yet that's the difference £140.000.000 make they seen to get away with all sorts .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just read this



f**k. I really feel for you bud





There's a few points I've thought of that may help.


1) Hire a PR firm. They know what to do and they do it exceptionally well. Get the story to the papers


2) call Dispatches. They love this kind of thing. Explain that (x) or firm is just about to drop it to the papers


3) is the court for your prosecution? If so then they can't automatically adjourn. They must ask you if this is ok. You can refuse te adjournment and then it's up to the court to decide if there should or shouldn't be an adjournment


4) next time the police host your dogs for you then rock up with your barrister and the vet. Ask for copies of the seizure/correct paperwork there and then. I have a feeling you MAY be able to just take them home IF they cannot produce it and you're with the barrister


5) if the above fails (and it might seeing as they're likely classed as evidence) they don't require any forensics from your dog. If they did then they'd have it now. By SAYING that they do, it allows the dog to be kept under Section 22 of PACE. Part 4 of Section 22 states "Nothing may be retained for either of the purposes mentioned in subsection (2)(a) above if a photograph or copy would be sufficient for that purpose.". I.e.; if it was just injuries then a photo would be fine.


6) to avoid them getting out of the whole forensics argument, have in writing how many times THEIR vet has examined the dogs. How many times your vet has. How long the saliva DNA from a badger would last without specialist storage (you don't need fox if you have written permission to use for foxes ). If this time is not as great as the time for which they've had the dogs then there are no forensics available to collect now


7) get in touch with the breeder of the dead dog and get DNA samples from a parent. Have these compared to the DNA of the dog you've been given.



Random order obviously. But if you get dispatches on board then they may be there to film you taking. DNA from a parent of the Plummer or a litter mate etc

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I've just read this



f**k. I really feel for you bud





There's a few points I've thought of that may help.


1) Hire a PR firm. They know what to do and they do it exceptionally well. Get the story to the papers


2) call Dispatches. They love this kind of thing. Explain that (x) or firm is just about to drop it to the papers


3) is the court for your prosecution? If so then they can't automatically adjourn. They must ask you if this is ok. You can refuse te adjournment and then it's up to the court to decide if there should or shouldn't be an adjournment


4) next time the police host your dogs for you then rock up with your barrister and the vet. Ask for copies of the seizure/correct paperwork there and then. I have a feeling you MAY be able to just take them home IF they cannot produce it and you're with the barrister


5) if the above fails (and it might seeing as they're likely classed as evidence) they don't require any forensics from your dog. If they did then they'd have it now. By SAYING that they do, it allows the dog to be kept under Section 22 of PACE. Part 4 of Section 22 states "Nothing may be retained for either of the purposes mentioned in subsection (2)(a) above if a photograph or copy would be sufficient for that purpose.". I.e.; if it was just injuries then a photo would be fine.


6) to avoid them getting out of the whole forensics argument, have in writing how many times THEIR vet has examined the dogs. How many times your vet has. How long the saliva DNA from a badger would last without specialist storage (you don't need fox if you have written permission to use for foxes ). If this time is not as great as the time for which they've had the dogs then there are no forensics available to collect now


7) get in touch with the breeder of the dead dog and get DNA samples from a parent. Have these compared to the DNA of the dog you've been given.



Random order obviously. But if you get dispatches on board then they may be there to film you taking. DNA from a parent of the Plummer or a litter mate etc

done most of the above already bud

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