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British Bird Council,all info on their web site and quick service bud :thumbs: ,if you've never rung a chick before i put up some pics a while back on how to do it and if you need me to i'll put them up again?, but just take your time and it is a bit scary at first but your'll manage it :victory: .

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There is no legal stipulation to ring with current year, so at a push you could ring with last years rings if it came down to it.

I would go with the IOA, I've heard a few things I don't like about the BBC, that Roger Caton being expert witness against bird breeders. To be it's like a dog man giving evidence against another dog man. And I've also heard a few things about what they might do with information, such as names and addresses of people buying rings, particularlly the smaller sizes....stay safe folks.. :victory:

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