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Bit Of Info

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Hi lads,I'm looking for a bit of info on the law here.I was out walking my young whippet on Thursday night round a loch in the town which I am from.on one side of the loch is basically next to a main street with a row of houses and flats in between one section.as you get further round you approach a big old palace and church.as I was approaching the paIace I let Riley off the lead as there is plenty of space for him to get a good run but he was soon over in some cover and lifted a rabbit out of it which he was on to straight away,they both ran straight past me and headed back towards the main street and this block of flats all the time I was trying to call him off but I was obviously pissin in the wind but I got really worried when he headed round the front of the flats as its near the main street and all I could think at that moment he was going to get hit with a car.so I ran all the way back and when I got there he was toddling back round towards me with the rabbit in his mouth.which I took out of sight and dispatched it as i doubt it would've lived.now there were a few doo gooders walking there dogs etc and saw the whole episode(except for me dispatching it) and I heard one woman saying 'aww the poor bunnies and that dog needs to go to obedience clases' probably because when I was calling him off he only had one thing in mind.I just want to know if I could be done for that by the police?I wasn't there for the rabbits,nor was I awear there woulve been any about as there certainly never used to be.he was kept on the lead the rest of the walk.but I won't be surprised if I get a knock on the door from the police because of a few peoples reaction.

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I mean if it went how you say it went and there was witnesses then I don't think much can be done, you were witnessed attempting to call the dog off, so that's intent out the window, and let's be honest EVERY dog has the instinct to chase just not all have the ability to catch. :thumbs:

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Hi lads,I'm looking for a bit of info on the law here.I was out walking my young whippet on Thursday night round a loch in the town which I am from.on one side of the loch is basically next to a main street with a row of houses and flats in between one section.as you get further round you approach a big old palace and church.as I was approaching the paIace I let Riley off the lead as there is plenty of space for him to get a good run but he was soon over in some cover and lifted a rabbit out of it which he was on to straight away,they both ran straight past me and headed back towards the main street and this block of flats all the time I was trying to call him off but I was obviously pissin in the wind but I got really worried when he headed round the front of the flats as its near the main street and all I could think at that moment he was going to get hit with a car.so I ran all the way back and when I got there he was toddling back round towards me with the rabbit in his mouth.which I took out of sight and dispatched it as i doubt it would've lived.now there were a few doo gooders walking there dogs etc and saw the whole episode(except for me dispatching it) and I heard one woman saying 'aww the poor bunnies and that dog needs to go to obedience clases' probably because when I was calling him off he only had one thing in mind.I just want to know if I could be done for that by the police?I wasn't there for the rabbits,nor was I awear there woulve been any about as there certainly never used to be.he was kept on the lead the rest of the walk.but I won't be surprised if I get a knock on the door from the police because of a few peoples reaction.


It sounds like it was pure accident

Also sounds like you've got a handy rabbit dog in the making

I wouldn't worry to much

Atb rc1

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Haha knew someone would take the piss.just checkin cos about a year ago the police turned up on in the grounds of a chapel I was ferreting because someone saw the dead rabbits.the matter was soon cleared up when they realised I had permission and was doing them a big favour

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I've got loads of photos of him but there is only two in my gallery because I always have trouble uploading them.always says photos are too big.he's a little blue brindle dog:) I'll try upload some more photos

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