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Working Dog Insurance

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Why would you tell them you are working the dog?


It's a pet. So take out pet insurance. And if it has a knock or scrape whilst out on a walk then make a claim.


If you were into fast cars would you take out racing insurance? And tell them when you crashed that you were racing your mate?

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I wouldn't suggest telling them a Fox bit your dog anyway, as the vet may well phone the police on you. if you are working dogs try to get an understanding countryside vet and insurance,if you feel you need it.

Also a decent first aid kit that will deal with

Minor cuts and and "nasty bites" that a vet needn't see.But hunting rabbits you maybe just need a bit of antiseptic ;)

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No offence mate but I'm just thinking about the welfare of my dog and my wallet , if there's even the smallest chance of being caught out I don't want a massive bill.

There is more than a small chance of expensive injuries with working dogs mate.


Take out pet insurance if you wish. Nobody needs to know you work your dogs. As said above try to get a decent vet and get a good first aid kit together.


I'm still learning loads myself but there hasn't been anything this season that I haven't been able to treat myself with a decent basic kit. But I've got insurance just incase.


Last season I had to go the vets with a head wound which my bitch did on barbed wire - when playing in the local fields - but it only cost £60 and my insurance excess is £70 so I didn't bother claiming.


Your dog won't ever get bitten by a fox while legally hunting rabbits though. And if you ever did need to go the vets due to such a wound (which is unlikely) then it would be because the dog escaped from your garden and came back looking like that. Wouldn't it?

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Was just looking at covering my ass on the off chance it can in anyway be proven to be a working injury ie nasty fox bite

Go for Standard pet insurance. You shouldn't have to use the insurance for bites, their relatively cheap to fix up.

If you still want to claim then a 'Small Ginger dog attacked yours in the park whilst out walking...... on the lead'

Insurance is probably more useful if the dog breaks a leg etc. then the bills would soon mount up.

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I would go as far as to say I don't think you will get working dog insurance at all def not that you can afford if your worried about big vet bills just get pet insurance and use it for major injurys the rest just pay for or do yourself as advised in other comments

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Why had these dogs for 5 years not been to the vets once with a injury the ones before then the same one lived to 16 never had a injury load of nonsense insurance no doubt im wrong good luck

Luckily I haven't had to use it yet. And hopefully won't have to. But £35 a month is a small price to pay to cover both dogs for pretty much anything.


It's just piece of mind. A good injury can be £2k no problem. I haven't got that sitting around.

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I'm with pet plan just because they deal with the vets direct.


With a lot of companies you have to pay the vets the full amount and then claim it back. Which is ok if you've got the money. But if you had the money you wouldn't need insurance. Lol.

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