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Pet Dog Owners......

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well the suns out and now all the local retards are coming out with there pot lickers round here in full force!!!!


just got in from a half hour walk with mine and been an experience to say the least lol first of seen a woman coming towards me with a westie on a harness......... :laugh: knew straight away it was going to be a kunt and was right f***ing thing flew at my old bitch and the woman just gently pulls it back, whispering "no, lady" at it and telling me "shes well behaved at home just like it with bigger dogs"....... :fool:


so get away from her and round the corner theres a couple with two golden retrievers,one of which took a fancy to my bull cross bitch and wouldnt leave her alone while the couple are shouting at it and its not even listening, just trying to sniff her arse while shes running off........im shouting her and they start laughing and walk off........ :censored: i thought fine so went other way and it follows us, untill we went round a bend and i whipped its back end with my lead.......... :laugh::laugh: soon f****d off then....... :toast:


i always "train" mine to ignore other dogs while out, dont even like them stopping to have a sniff and try to avoid bumping into anyone as much as possible but these kunts piss me off with there mutts, walking round thinking everyone will love it as much as they do........ :censored: like the first one with the westie, really felt like saying "sorry love i think your dogs ugly as f**k and an aggressive little kunt"...... :yes:


rant over lol...... :thumbs:

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This time of year i am out early doors and after dusk to exercise my mutts.Mine don't mix well with other dogs so i can not moan at anyone about how there dogs act lol. The only ones that get on my tits is when there dogs are out of sight of there owner and let to do there own thing, which occasionally sees me pulling my dogs of theirs and them having a rant at me (when they eventually catch up to us) I try me best to keep out the way as much as i can.

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The cheek of these people thinking they can exercise their dogs in the same area as professional working dogs. :whistling: b*****ds.


The cheek of these people thinking they can exercise their dogs in the same area as professional working dogs. :whistling: b*****ds.

and handlers ....... :laugh::laugh:

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The cheek of these people thinking they can exercise their dogs in the same area as professional working dogs. :whistling: b*****ds.


The cheek of these people thinking they can exercise their dogs in the same area as professional working dogs. :whistling: b*****ds.

and handlers ....... :laugh::laugh:




ok then "people who no idea of basic training"...... :D

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So you whipped the dog with your lead well I thought you where better than that Lurcher 1 , any way WHST size was the banner last year I can't remember 5/6 feet ?

not hard lol


ill measure when im home mate

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Prefer to mix mine with as many 'stranger' dogs as possible, especially at a young age so they get the 'social skills'... other wise they can end up skittish or overly aggresive around other dogs as adults. Got a park across the road from me and on a sunny saturday afternoon like today it'll look like a dog show, so usually a bit entertaining. It always amazes me how many people don't even have the basics down and can't even recall their dogs. Went out a walk a couple of weeks ago for the first and last time with my mate and his year old weimeraner. Thing was a total headcase and kept chasing and mouthing my 7 month old bitch to the point where she eventually had a real go back. When we got back to the motors it took him 10 minutes (no exaggeration) to get the thing back on the lead!!! Told me it's the breed, they are a bit of a handful...no excuse for not being able to recall & leash your dog when required!

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So you whipped the dog with your lead well I thought you where better than that Lurcher 1 , any way WHST size was the banner last year I can't remember 5/6 feet ?

not hard lol


ill measure when im home mate

lol just Fanny'n aboot ,yes that would be grand lad hope yir gettin plenty work ???
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It's summer dog walkers here not necessarily all pet owners.


Don't see the c**ts all winter,first sign of sunshine and out comes the obese labrador's.


The lurchers been attacked twice already,first by a lab a whip with the lead fecked that off.


second was a boxer and that got a roundhouse to the head and then pushed into the river,it's owners face was a picture.


I need a tazor.

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