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We do it Aswell. Like born said have been for decades.   Read somewhere it's a more a test/ game between the Air Force/ pilots more than a political statement. Apparently years ago a British sub

I'd love that c**t to come to my street canvassing and knocking my door lol

Putin sees how soft the west has become, especially with gb having antis running parliament, soft as butter but for the working class man. I'd hate to see how gb would cope with a wartime invasion

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I work for an american company. :whistling::laugh:


I agree with you mate. Just not these folks that seem to think we're done for and written off just because we haven't got an operational naval combat wing.

I don't think we are written off.

I just don't think we have the resources available to go to another war.

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I agree born three some outstanding weaponry these days mate.

Some if it, your in complete awe at its fire power.

However its all very well having it. If you can't use it. Or the terrain or the locality makes it dodgy to use.

f**k sake with the combined power of the coalition force We still can't put down a few rag heads with donkeys and an RPG strapped to their back.

Back when the Russians were in Afghanistan. And unlike us now there hands weren't tied.

They struggled to put them down. Granted the west were helping. ( f**k sake just realised how bad that makes us look lol) cause no c**t is giving them anti aircraft missles by the plane load these days.

No one is writing us off mate. I have immense pride in my nation as you all know, but I've realised for a long time now. We should be taking a back seat these days in foreign affairs.

Our own country is a mess that should be fore front in any governments mind before trapsing half way round the world getting bogged down in others problems.

Gone are the days of " spoils of war" now it costs us vast amounts of money getting involved, money we can ill afford!

Unless of course your ab American company. Oh then you will get contracts and basically a licence to steal assets.

You can't compare afghan with Falklands it's totally different situation.

still don't understand afghan it's a mystery to me.

From day one it was a waste of fooking time.

You would have thought the uk would have learned there lesson from Ireland.

You can't just go into a country that doesn't want you and Fook everyone over.

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Politicians vs a soldier lol cameron vs putin I know who my money would be on lol russians just waiting too go into ukraine one wrong move and they be in like a shot, our lot far to over stretched and commited to even get involved any further than imposing sanctions just save face, wars like that you cannot win, to be fair its none of our buisness either, mind that dont normaly stop us does it . We just get screwed cos it be an excuse to put prices up further, malways gunna profit someone, if we avoid bloodshed of our troops thats a result in my book

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I reckon we would flatline the argies if they tried too take falklands or managed too, could always threaten too bomb their mainland target military bases etc , we could render them inaffective rapidly if they ever tried too exploit the curent situation, they seen iraq n afghan tactically smart bombed doubt they fancy that, our troops would butcher theres dropped onto island in small groups, our special forces canninflict some damage especially on army as weak as theres, they sent boys last time, we got boys in our army seen more action in recent years than there tol brass seen, never gunna happen imho

Edited by arcticgun
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Politicians vs a soldier lol cameron vs putin I know who my money would be on lol russians just waiting too go into ukraine one wrong move and they be in like a shot, our lot far to over stretched and commited to even get involved any further than imposing sanctions just save face, wars like that you cannot win, to be fair its none of our buisness either, mind that dont normaly stop us does it . We just get screwed cos it be an excuse to put prices up further, malways gunna profit someone, if we avoid bloodshed of our troops thats a result in my book

Thing is I think a lot of the Crimea has been blown out of control.

Someone has been causing the unrest in Kiev for few years now.


I don't know what they expected Putin to do as he has and always had a lot of assets in Crimea.

The west has caused the unrest all Putin has done is secured has assets in Crimea.

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Argentina can not afford another war but still want the Falklands rights to the minerals in the south Atlantic, Putin hand was forced by the European unions expansion in the east, don't forget a democratically elected government was toppled by rebels wanting to be part of the EU, the country is as near as damn it on its knees financially so Europe would have to lend it billions, Afghanistan well where do i start, we went in to find binlarden and ended up stabilising the country the same as iraq :whistling:

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I reckon we would flatline the argies if they tried too take falklands or managed too, could always threaten too bomb their mainland target military bases etc , we could render them inaffective rapidly if they ever tried too exploit the curent situation, they seen iraq n afghan tactically smart bombed doubt they fancy that, our troops would butcher theres dropped onto island in small groups, our special forces canninflict some damage especially on army as weak as theres, they sent boys last time, we got boys in our army seen more action in recent years than there tol brass seen, never gunna happen imho

There isn't much troops that could do what happened in the Falklands.

The uk has only got maybe 2 or 3 battle groups available that could what they done in Falklands during the 82.

It was luck a bit of luck and balls from thatcher that we took em back to be fair.

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It was an incredibly well planned and carried out campaign from our Admirals and Generals that achieved it. It ran like clockwork and we didn't loose a single battle. Fieldhouse, Woodward and Moore played a hell of a game, they used the best in the world to do what they do best with the support of a driven and focused PM. Luck always plays a part but for me they achieved what the top US Naval brass analysed as "militarily impossible for Britain to achieve" which should be rightly put down to the professionalism, skill and grit of the British military. We were taken as post colonial 'has beens' and we made the world stand in respect.

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Argentina can not afford another war but still want the Falklands rights to the minerals in the south Atlantic, Putin hand was forced by the European unions expansion in the east, don't forget a democratically elected government was toppled by rebels wanting to be part of the EU, the country is as near as damn it on its knees financially so Europe would have to lend it billions, Afghanistan well where do i start, we went in to find binlarden and ended up stabilising the country the same as iraq :whistling:

I can see the point in Iraq, the oil.

Iraq will be paying of the liberation and war debt with their oil assets.


Only good thing that come out of the 2001 and afghan shite is it stopped the IRA and their nonsense dead in their tracks.

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It was an incredibly well planned and carried out campaign from our Admirals and Generals that achieved it. It ran like clockwork and we didn't loose a single battle. Fieldhouse, Woodward and Moore played a hell of a game, they used the best in the world to do what they do best with the support of a driven and focused PM. Luck always plays a part but for me they achieved what the top US Naval brass analysed as "militarily impossible for Britain to achieve" which should be rightly put down to the professionalism, skill and grit of the British military. We were taken as post colonial 'has beens' and we made the world stand in respect.

It was a bit of luck and due to Argie conscripts been weak.

If the Argies had dug in good defence and had couple thousand good troops.

They could have held those high grounds for 10 years lol

We would have been beaten down south.

If it wasn't for the fact the Argies pilots were flying to low they would have smashed nearly all our fleet.

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What part of that is luck? That's a piss poor argentine planning. They had mostly conscripts correct, but even when faced with their best they were no match even for smaller numbers of marines and paras. We never lost a single land battle!


And to say they would have smashed our fleet is ridiculous, the core of the fleet was kept safely back to the East of the Islands. The harriers advanced sidewinders gave the Task force air superiority. It was only when Frigates were sent in for Naval artillery bombardments they became susceptable. The Destroyer/Frigate air defence trap employed worked well and IIRC only failed due to bad luck on our behalf with radar. The argies got as much luck as we did.


We had the capability to strike at their very hearts but considered it strategically the wrong move at the time. The Vulcans and Conquerer terrified the Argies, they were'nt safe anywhere. Three simultaneously launched topedoes neutralised the entire argentine navy! The Vulcans caused the argies most valuable air assets to be pulled back to the mainland. What you call luck I call outstanding military planning.

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What part of that is luck? That's a piss poor argentine planning. They had mostly conscripts correct, but even when faced with their best they were no match even for smaller numbers of marines and paras. We never lost a single land battle!


And to say they would have smashed our fleet is ridiculous, the core of the fleet was kept safely back to the East of the Islands. The harriers advanced sidewinders gave the Task force air superiority. It was only when Frigates were sent in for Naval artillery bombardments they became susceptable. The Destroyer/Frigate air defence trap employed worked well and IIRC only failed due to bad luck on our behalf with radar. The argies got as much luck as we did.


We had the capability to strike at their very hearts but considered it strategically the wrong move at the time. The Vulcans and Conquerer terrified the Argies, they were'nt safe anywhere. Three simultaneously launched topedoes neutralised the entire argentine navy! The Vulcans caused the argies most valuable air assets to be pulled back to the mainland. What you call luck I call outstanding military planning.

So what would have happened in the ground battle if small 2 or 3 battle groups had been defeated?

There would have been no one else to send in.

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Woodward said and I watched the interview


He knew if they hit the carrier it was all over, and he thought they might have achieved it.


Something but the " grace of god" was in the reply.


And the carrier limped out of Portsmouth cause it wasn't battle ready. Running on one prop or something like that.


Anyway wee not at war with Argentina or Russia and it's Friday ;)

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What part of that is luck? That's a piss poor argentine planning. They had mostly conscripts correct, but even when faced with their best they were no match even for smaller numbers of marines and paras. We never lost a single land battle!


And to say they would have smashed our fleet is ridiculous, the core of the fleet was kept safely back to the East of the Islands. The harriers advanced sidewinders gave the Task force air superiority. It was only when Frigates were sent in for Naval artillery bombardments they became susceptable. The Destroyer/Frigate air defence trap employed worked well and IIRC only failed due to bad luck on our behalf with radar. The argies got as much luck as we did.


We had the capability to strike at their very hearts but considered it strategically the wrong move at the time. The Vulcans and Conquerer terrified the Argies, they were'nt safe anywhere. Three simultaneously launched topedoes neutralised the entire argentine navy! The Vulcans caused the argies most valuable air assets to be pulled back to the mainland. What you call luck I call outstanding military planning.

So what would have happened in the ground battle if small 2 or 3 battle groups had been defeated?

There would have been no one else to send in.



What if, what if..... what if the carriers had been sunk, what if the argy commandos had successfully sunk ships at Gibraltar, what if the UN had turned on us. Fact is what we were presented with we dealt with in a campaign on the other side of the planet in our enemies back yard!


You make it sound like we sent our entire military. LOL. What if we had dropped a fecking Polaris on buenos aires? LOL


Scot, we had the use of a yank carrier if Hermes was sunk. ;)

Edited by Born Hunter
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