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Typhoons Scrambled

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All this has been going on for years.

Tic for tac.

Went a bit stale there for while with the Russians been on there arse.

But they are back in the game now.

Been in Norway 4 times doing arctic training in the forces.

Still do it incase the Russians attack on the northern flank.

Fook knows what couple hundred of guys is going do.

As there only few hundred do arctic training in the forces now.


I thought the entire Marine corps did it? Or at least 3Cdo... Being the speacialty of the Artic Warfare Cadre. Surely that's 8k men?


For that matter I know for a fact my mate in the RAF Regt has done it.

Yeah but there isn't any where near 8k men arctic trained.

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We do it Aswell. Like born said have been for decades.   Read somewhere it's a more a test/ game between the Air Force/ pilots more than a political statement. Apparently years ago a British sub

I'd love that c**t to come to my street canvassing and knocking my door lol

Putin sees how soft the west has become, especially with gb having antis running parliament, soft as butter but for the working class man. I'd hate to see how gb would cope with a wartime invasion

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During the Cold War the Dutch, fins German soldiers went home at the weekend lol


Aye it's a game, but as we all we know that can go wrong.


The closest we ever came to an all out war. Was a NATO training exercise. The Russians were convinced that it was a guise. Seriously they came very close to war.


It took those shady security services from both sides to convince there was nothing in it, and defuse the situation.


Wonder if they can defuse Putin lol

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Thing is thou uk and rest Europe can't afford to Fook Russia about like they have in the past.

Uk hasn't even got a carrier or air to put on till 2022 I believe.

Our full armour vehicles are laying in the Middle East gathering sand.

Don't know how much of the gear has actually come back from desert

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If it had been before 2003 before all the Iraq and afghan.

Russia would never been a loud to get away with what they have been doing for past 3 or 4 years. In Libya, Syria and now Ukraine. They would have got put back in there box like what happened in Kosovo and Bosnia and rest of the former states.

The uk and USA have took there finger of the pulse getting caught up in the Middle East for past 15 years.

Now Putin knows he can do what the Fook he wants, no matter how much Davy Cameron and Obama gob off about it. He knows there nuffin they can do.

Also pulling all troops out of Germany is going leave the East Europe wide open.

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If it had been before 2003 before all the Iraq and afghan.

Russia would never been a loud to get away with what they have been doing for past 3 or 4 years. In Libya, Syria and now Ukraine. They would have got put back in there box like what happened in Kosovo and Bosnia and rest of the former states.

The uk and USA have took there finger of the pulse getting caught up in the Middle East for past 15 years.

Now Putin knows he can do what the Fook he wants, no matter how much Davy Cameron and Obama gob off about it. He knows there nuffin they can do.

Also pulling all troops out of Germany is going leave the East Europe wide open.

I think what happened over Syria is one reason why Putin has become so emboldened, I said at the time that it made us look weak.. I reckon Crimea would still be part of the Ukrane if we'd have acted on Assad after the chemical weapon attacks there..

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The Argies are constantly rattling on about the Falklands. f**k em! They're in an absolute shit state and would have their entire Navy and Airforce wrecked at the bottom of the southern Atlantic if they wanted to have another go.

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Nah credit due.

I had admiration for the argie Air Force.


Seen RAF guys giving them credit Aswell.


They showed skills and bravery during that conflict. And we came pretty close to losing that because of the Argie Air Force,

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You can have all the bravery you want, but that wont help you a shite when faced with RAF Typhoons armed with sidewinders and AMRAAMs. LOL


The RAF and RN have technologically come on lightyears compared to the Argies. We were much more closely matched in the 80s.

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