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Does Anybody Use Their Fox Digging Terriers, For Hunting Rabbits In Cover?

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I don't think it's too much to ask ,I start my terriers out at 12 weeks and they hunt everything fur and feather,gets them using their nose and wisens them up , I have never dug a rabbit and I dig a l

we bush with ours always have done i know alot of folk disagree but we ve never had problems the dogs know the difference, keeps them fit plus walking a dog on a lead everywhere and only getting of ro

I do and only once when out foxing as it goes and dropping a terrier into a pulled out rabbit warren have i had to dig one to a rabbit,i've had them all from pups and i've made sure none of them try t

Wjen I go to exersiye the dogs I let them chase rabits in summer just for exersiye they never enter the den.in season they hunt only fox and badger and wil not show intrest to rabbit or rabbit dens when we are out digging unles ther is a fox having refuge in side I have never dug to a rabbit with my dogs they no what ther job is and what is for funtime I must add I don't let the chase rabbit untill they work fox and badger full this is not for everybody and can confuse a dog if done from young age is just lots of rabits were I exersiye them

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Just so I'm clear I am not talking about entering a dog into rabbit warrens, that is taboo, I've seen a dog dig a rabbit before 5 year old pat done well up until then, dog was pts, (harsh or not you judge) that man to this day has never lived it down.

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I do and only once when out foxing as it goes and dropping a terrier into a pulled out rabbit warren have i had to dig one to a rabbit,i've had them all from pups and i've made sure none of them try to push into a rabbit hole even when ones just got in.There'll have a scratch at it but don't try to get in,i wouldn't have much sport and niether would my terriers if i didn't use them for multi tasks and i sure wouldn't keep a terrier just to take it from kennel to hole on a lead all the time and hav dug to two of them in pulled out rabbit warrens since and they went straight to the fox every time.

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I would,nt own a terrier that could not work above and below,especially bashing bunny,s about,ive had the odd problem but nothing of any consequence,ive seen terriers that have never been allowed to work bunnys that when dug to have been at a bunny,it happens with both types,if the truth be known.

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