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Dogs From Now And Dogs Of The Past

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Interesting conversation with the old man who claimed the standard of lurchers has dropped since he was running dogs.! He believes it's down to people breeding dogs left right and centre! I'm not old enough to comment on dogs from the 70s/80s but for the older dog man how do you think dogs have changed ? If so for better or worse?

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I would say there is way too much shit being bred fact cash is the factor in that i would never breed a dog that is rubbish this is why i have waited so long to breed mine as i have never had a bitch good enough now i have the matting took place for my self Imo that's how it should be not for profit

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well I would say the dogs of today are better than of the past, there no doubt about it the coursing dogs are better and the dogs pit x greys bred for fox control are better than what was back then. :yes: Whats happened the lurcher game of today got popular more people in it, so more lurchers are being bred so more surplus dogs about ,and not all pups from any litter are going to be top dogs. I suppose even if you see the parents work of your future pup, you still don't know if the pup will be as good, as its parents. with a dog you get to day you need a lot of luck,+ plenty of game to put in front of it . Back in 62 when I saw lurchers as a kid, it was mostly travellers etc .. that kept them, and only had a few just for hares+rabbits , now just go round any game fair there hundred's of them lol , like any type of dog once they get popular , the breed or type of dog suffers :yes:

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  On 22/04/2014 at 10:09, bird said:

well I would say the dogs of today are better than of the past, there no doubt about it the coursing dogs are better and the dogs pit x greys bred for fox control are better than what was back then. :yes: Whats happened the lurcher game of today got popular more people in it, so more lurchers are being bred so more surplus dogs about ,and not all pups from any litter are going to be top dogs. I suppose even if you see the parents work of your future pup, you still don't know if the pup will be as good, as its parents. with a dog you get to day you need a lot of luck,+ plenty of game to put in front of it . Back in 62 when I saw lurchers as a kid, it was mostly travellers etc .. that kept them, and only had a few just for hares+rabbits , now just go round any game fair there hundred's of them lol , like any type of dog once they get popular , the breed or type of dog suffers :yes:

I agree with coursing dogs ,but I wouldn't say the Bull x is better now than then , maybe a few Gen X are from a few well guarded lines, but its been peddled so much there's more shit than good out there ,With a gen F1 you don't have the same standard of pure bull you use to have

Edited by DEERMAN
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  On 22/04/2014 at 10:28, DEERMAN said:


  On 22/04/2014 at 10:09, bird said:

well I would say the dogs of today are better than of the past, there no doubt about it the coursing dogs are better and the dogs pit x greys bred for fox control are better than what was back then. :yes: Whats happened the lurcher game of today got popular more people in it, so more lurchers are being bred so more surplus dogs about ,and not all pups from any litter are going to be top dogs. I suppose even if you see the parents work of your future pup, you still don't know if the pup will be as good, as its parents. with a dog you get to day you need a lot of luck,+ plenty of game to put in front of it . Back in 62 when I saw lurchers as a kid, it was mostly travellers etc .. that kept them, and only had a few just for hares+rabbits , now just go round any game fair there hundred's of them lol , like any type of dog once they get popular , the breed or type of dog suffers :yes:

I agree with coursing dogs ,but I wouldn't say the Bull x is better now than then , maybe a few Gen X are from a few well guarded lines, but its been peddled so much there's more shit than good out there ,With a gen F1 you don't have the same standard of pure bull you use to have


I used to see some great pitx greys in the late 70-80s , they were 1x 's not over big but fast+agile types, the pits they used back then I think were smaller dogs, than some of what were used today . What I meant was the bullxs types today were better than what other xs collie,deerhound,etc .. were about back then doing that type of work I had good colliex back then done foxes no prob, but compare to some of the (well bred )bullxs of today there were in a different league . :yes:

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Great post


without doubt there are far to many lurchers bred as a cash crop this i just cannot understand because they are worth f :censored: ck all, the cost of rearing a litter properly!!! to the return on a pup just not worth it, this is the main reason for today''s sh :censored: t i have mates from far and wide who bring their dogs down to show me but all i get is a good laugh and i am starting to think that the most of folks really don't have a clue, i am not saying my dogs are world beaters in any way they do the job i need and earn there keep and to add i have had better dogs than i have at present.


Lurcher work is about field craft which goes hand in hand to create a good dog this whats lost in today's lurcher men too.


the old boys that iv'e been around for years still have tidy dogs now so going back to thread good dogs now or the past i would say not really any change in dogs just owners harsh but fair :bad:




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You know what.. Looking at the whole picture, I really don't have a clue.


Coursing/match dogs then yes, they have and will continue to improve IMO. Ban or no ban, these are on the up. More than any other cross, linage is the key here, breeding best to best....


Bull crosses, I think no! As Deerman just said, there are a few older lines about but they are getting fewer and the standard of bull to re-ignite 'em just ain't there anymore. Testing 'em properly gets harder too, so I simply see them being diluted and diluted, shite to shite, till they are all head an no heart. The ban didn't do this cross any favours and neither did over popularity! Maybe one or two will hang on a bit. My thoughts are that sommat different will emerge from the ashes of the good old gear and be much sought after....


Collie crosses, judging from on here at least, seem sound. Plenty of enthusiastic owners trying to do the job properly. The ban and the search for bunnies again gave 'em a good boost.


Beddy crosses, this ones a strange one because although there seems some nice examples about and the cross 'seems' on the up. Where is that Beddy blood coming from though, who has taken up Mr Newcombe's mantle and breeding sound stock to use in production?


Wheaten crosses are also seemingly on the up, a relative latecomer but many are turning to these as a bull cross replacement. It's a new breed to some but I wonder if the right blood will be put in to many?


Whippet crosses, again are flying (no pun intended!), whatever is in the mix, with popularity just like the collie stuff.


Deerhoundy gear I think is on the decline with few willing to breed and use such a beast.


Lurcher x lurcher, in general, on the decline and only because of sheer numbers being bred but there are a few pockets of well thought out matings, so perhaps their will still be a few good 'uns about?


Sorry if i've missed anyone's cross out, just my thoughts on some... :thumbs:

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While I see where people are coming from r.e money and breeding lurchers,I can't

See ,if you bring them up right,with good food Wormers extra food for the bitch stud fees ,etc etc where it can be a money making exercise,if sold for £150-£200 there shouldn't be much or any profit.May just about lucky to break even if you keep one.

I think the problem is,lads just getting in the game are impressed by one of the few dogs they see,and feel the need to breed,

when I was looking for a pup the majority of the parents were under 4 year old with many being 2 or 3....one that sticks in my mind was 13 months


Edited to say never saw your post pro keeper until I wrote mine my thoughts exactly

Edited by roybo
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  On 22/04/2014 at 12:12, roybo said:

While I see where people are coming from r.e money and breeding lurchers,I can't

See ,if you bring them up right,with good food Wormers extra food for the bitch stud fees ,etc etc where it can be a money making exercise,if sold for £150-£200 there shouldn't be much or any profit.May just about lucky to break even if you keep one.

I think the problem is,lads just getting in the game are impressed by one of the few dogs they see,and feel the need to breed,

when I was looking for a pup the majority of the parents were under 4 year old with many being 2 or 3....one that sticks in my mind was 13 months


Edited to say never saw your post deerman until I wrote mine my thoughts exactly

And it's exactly THAT that is doing so much damage. :thumbs:

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While in it self that wouldn't be a problem,but the sheer amount of people who come in and out of the game,and leave 3 or 4 litters of "their line" behind beggars belief .

I'm breeding a litter myself but honestly think the result will have every chance of making good lurchers

And am being picky where they go,think that also can be a problem especially

With bull type lurchers

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Brilliant info gents! My dad used to run a first x greyhound / deerhound! Personally think the deerhound isn't as common as it was back then? His thought was that the deerhound has replaced the bull x ! For good or for had he couldn't answer but he said a decent deerhound x would do the job as good as any! Can't agree more with the comments people have made about average lurchers being bred! But I also believe that is is the owners responsibility to get the most from a dog! Another question! Did you ever see a coursing bred dog x with a lamping type dog back then? Or is this a new ( ish ) thing!

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