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Fence jumping Success!!!

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as of yesterday my new 11 month old Deerhound is clearing full size cattle fences with ease. :drink: he went from a hound that had been taught not to jump and whom couldnt even jump onto the back of the ute - to clearing fences and gettin on the ute like its just a large step in just over 2 weeks. im so proud of him. i managed to snag a picture of him on his 2nd jump. :clapper:


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well done- they soon get the hang of it.

Blackfell- most of the gates where I used to work were just cocky gates- wire like the fence onto a star picket that could be moved, so still wire.

Havent done many fences with the bitch I have now- there arent any!!

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  skycat said:
If I'm not mistaken, barbed wire is just about all there is to jump in Oz; so a dog needs to learn how do to it or not keep up with it's quarry.



i carnt say weather your right or wrong there maye i was just tryiong to say maybe it would be a better idea jumping fences until he got the hang of it then move him onto barbwire one mistake on barbwire and it could be all over just a idea mate all the best w.b :thumbs:

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thanks for your replys guys... :victory: whippet boy.. you are right about the barbed wire to a certain level. i didnt actually teach him on barb wire. on my property theres an old holding paddock that was run down, so i removed the fences and started new ones. what i did was to only add a few wires from the bottom to start, and as he got used to them i added 1 new wire each time until he was jumping 1.3m. i made all the wires plain on that fence, so all i then had to do was to take him to different fences and try him, in which he had no trouble at all.

for those whom are asking... he's a Deerhound and i got him for use primarily on foxes. and yes there is a lot of barb wire here in Australia. cheers :drink::victory:

Edited by holy grail
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