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Nobs At It Again

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It staggers me just how cruel and down right thick and stupid some people are. I dont even think it enters their tiny brains how cruel what they do actually is. Someone needs to catch them in the act on camera and see how funny they find it when they are had by the law for their offences. It really gets my back up.

I dare say there are a few of us on here that are not perfect. I know that when i started hunting many moons ago i poached the odd bunny or woody in the next field where i didnt have permission then scambled over the barbed wire to go and fetch it and take it proudly home for the pot..and i will be honest, its bloomin tempting now sometimes with a sitting target 30 yards off but at 37 i have more respect for the law and our sport but never did i go out to shoot none quarry species just for a giggle so if any of you idiots out there happen to stumble upon this post, stop and think about what your doing because it really is an amazing sport or hobby if you like that everyone can get involved in but the more stupid behaviour goes on the harder the powers that be will make it for us that are abiding by the law to carry on or get involved in.

Rant over.

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Literally 2 mins down road its disgusting

Not going to happen but hope they get caught and justice served

I was down there couple of week back With the kids feeding the swans

Scum and giving everyone ammo against the sport

Edited by mattybugeye
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Yes i agree with Matt that we all (well most) did things when we were younger but i can only speak for my self. I never did anything anywhere ear this moronic act. The trouble is the more times these idiots do this sort of things the more we will be pushed into legistation.

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Disgusting act of barbarism in my book, I would say lets see how they like it but that would give the antis the same result.. Now paint balling is legal, I wonder how they would enjoy being naked and shot with paint balls. But don't forget safety first make them wear a visor so they won't get blinded. I bet they wouldn't be so keen shooting at anything after that!!!!!!!!

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