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Strong Stuff Lurcher Collars...

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Just thought I would stick a few pics up of my strong stuff lurcher collar. It's about 3 years old and has been worn daily. Regularly caked in mud and sand, regularly soaking wet. So as you can see they are pretty durable.


I've never washed it until yesterday, these pics were just after I washed it. I'm currently in the process of ordering one for my pup...










On my bitch...



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strong stuff collar and lead i had on my bullx bitch a few years ago and another on my bullx i used to have

.     This is where the STAFF comes from in my name ??

Whats your commission Gaz ?,put one on an horse and they would not look out of place,on a sleek and slender running machine they are about as useful as an erectile disorder in a brothel,just my opine,

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clipo's after giving you a quote.

£3 a sqm............ :D

That's cheap. A lot cheaper than the lads quoted me.


Drive is about 15 metres by 4 meters. Plus a couple of metres in front of the bay window.


Probably 65 sqm.


65 x 3 = £195 :thumbs:

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If had one of older collars around 10 year I'm sure and its still going strong, even if it's pink now lol pups looking well gas

I'm sure they would last 15-20 years with a clean every now and then. Good value for sure. I like to bury mine in their collars though. Don't know why. Lol.


Cheers :thumbs:

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clipo's after giving you a quote.

£3 a sqm............ :D

That's cheap. A lot cheaper than the lads quoted me.


Drive is about 15 metres by 4 meters. Plus a couple of metres in front of the bay window.


Probably 65 sqm.


65 x 3 = £195 :thumbs:


i cant go wrong at that price mate........easy to work out and can get sand and sealant cheap off a mate.......days work but you always get the greedy ones out there....... :thumbs:


PS nice collar and dog lol....... :thumbs:

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