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Whereabouts do you look for them? im well up for giving it a go, i even have a few old eel traps in the shed somewhere. Do they feed year round or is it just a summer thing? Should i be looking in running or still water, what depth, overhanging cover etc. All answers much appreciated, if i get any i will post pcs :signthankspin:

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  Hob&Jill said:
I trap alot in summer, very good eating and very easy to catch.


Good fun with abit of bacon tide on some string! I also have pots out most the time in summer and collect them when walking dogs.

Is your trap similar to the trap described as above with funnels or is it something different????????????

I can't just figure out what sort of trap they are. Sorry for being thick

Also are these cray fish the foreign ones which are bigger than our natural ones??

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  harrycatcat said:
  Hob&Jill said:
I trap alot in summer, very good eating and very easy to catch.


Good fun with abit of bacon tide on some string! I also have pots out most the time in summer and collect them when walking dogs.

Is your trap similar to the trap described as above with funnels or is it something different????????????

I can't just figure out what sort of trap they are. Sorry for being thick

Also are these cray fish the foreign ones which are bigger than our natural ones??


Have a look at this




i dont know much about them but this is what i use to catch eels and they say it would work for crayfsh too. Signal crayfish are not native, i think they come from the states and are bad for our native species so its good to catch them!


Does anyone know their spread? if they are in sussex i would love to give them a go!

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  harrycatcat said:
  Hob&Jill said:
I trap alot in summer, very good eating and very easy to catch.


Good fun with abit of bacon tide on some string! I also have pots out most the time in summer and collect them when walking dogs.

Is your trap similar to the trap described as above with funnels or is it something different????????????

I can't just figure out what sort of trap they are. Sorry for being thick

Also are these cray fish the foreign ones which are bigger than our natural ones??

Type crayfish trap in ebay will show you plenty of designs :thumbs:

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  willrennyferreter said:
signal crayfish arived in this country wit ha plage and our nativespeciese has no resistance to it quite frankley i dont care i like the taste of these ones and i wouldent mind if they stayed

yes bbging them does make them taste better especially with some dips :thumbs:

You obviosly arnt an angler :thumbdown:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  harrycatcat said:
Pack from Environment Agency came today telling me how to apply for a licence to catch crayfish.

I dont think that I will bother. Feck that I will buy em from Sainsburys cos it would take a month to figure out all the forms and shit.

Never mind.


is there season regards 2 flavour :signthankspin:

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