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Despatching your catch

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Guest The Big Fish

When the film star "Rabiteer" (jedi knight and gardian of peace and justice throughout the galaxy) gets back, we shall do a short instructional video, showing how to properly and quickly dispatch a coney :yes:

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When the film star "Rabiteer" (jedi knight and gardian of peace and justice throughout the galaxy) gets back, we shall do a short instructional video, showing how to properly and quickly dispatch a coney :yes:

Cheers fish,i knew you'd come up trumps.No despatching them with the light sabre mind,thats just cheatin. :thumbs:

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I was once advised to hold the rabbit by the back legs and pretend I was trying to chop a nearby tree down with it! :doh: Needless to say I didn't take up this pearl of wisdom. Since then I've always stretched but thanks to the descriptions on this thread I think I too shall try chinning. :thumbs:

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When the film star "Rabiteer" (jedi knight and gardian of peace and justice throughout the galaxy) gets back, we shall do a short instructional video, showing how to properly and quickly dispatch a coney :yes:

Brilliant :D


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my earlier times killing rabbits i used to stick a knife between the eye and ear but one day i cut the net so i have either rung the neck on the floor or just puuled them when they are out of the net :thumbs:

id stick a knife into a shark iff it was trying to take my leg off,

or into a bear if it was trying to rip my head off,but a rabbit ? a big no.

chin him ,the best way i think

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This is an interesting thread that comes up on occasions on different forums.


I do chop rabbits , i also stretch them and do another method that very few seem to adopt.


Let me say when i chop rabbits they are always dead on the first occasion, but then i am a big strong brute, and no there is very little bruising, i just hit them very very hard in the right place with my big hands, i tend to use this when they are tangled well and truly, but there heads are sticking out, then i think its more humane to do this than try and untangle them.......i could never master the chin up method, i was shown and tried a few times, but i just left a rabbit screaming so dont bother with that now


the stretch i can do and this is the prefered method when a rabbit is untangled, or when i draw it out by its back legs from a hole or longnet etc..


The other method is the long drop or flick, my uncle showed me this method when i was a teenager, you hold the rabbit round its neck and flick it over backwards, the rabbits body weight takes it in a swing and it breaks the neck, dont do it when pursed in a purse net unless you hold the peg, otherwise the peg follows round and hits you on the back of the head :whistling: , i have found this method very easy and can be done one handed, unless you need the other hand to hold the peg to stop you knocking yourself out as well :icon_redface:


I would reckon Molly could do the flick easier than the other methods as very little strength is needed, just hold the bunnies neck and flick its over your arm or swing it between your legs, the body being thrown backwards will break the neck when you stop the swing on the neck and the body carries on with momentum.


As long as you are efficent and quick thats the important point, not all choppers are amateurs, but it is the method that is used most yet needs the most practice and strength,

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Tried tonight and failed Compo, ended up with a very dizzy looking rabbit :blink:




:icon_redface: you have to grab the head hard and give it a decent swing between your legs, :icon_redface: stop the swing very sharply and the rabbit travelling backwards against the momentum breaks the neck....easier to show than to do :doh: i dont have to swing so much being an 18stone lump i tend to have enough strength for just a little flick to work :yes: but the speed the rabbits body is travelling at is the optimum thing :angel:

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neck streach for me




Rabbit dispatch

Righthanded? Hold the rabbit's back legs in your left hand. Grasp the rabbit's head in your right hand with the neck between your forefinger and thumb and the other three fingers under the rabbit's chin

The trick is to stretch the rabbit and tip its head back-wards at the same time. Pull until you feel it go click. That's the rabbit's neck broken and it's dead instantly, though muscles may twitch for a short while

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