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Landrover End Of An Era

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Its a fooking mini on stegs

They've just taken the most manly car there is, as macho as growing a beard, smoking a cigar and wrestling a bear shirtless all at the same time... and homosexualised it!

Got to move with the times mate. They are in an era where the jap 4x4 is becoming more and more popular. Landrover, although there amazing off roading abilities, are falling behind in basic stuff. Hea

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Dc100! Sounds like a dyson! I know the defender lacks certain things but it's a proven model and shouldn't be replaced! Surely it would easier just to rectify the few problems it has?

The existing model won't meet crash and emission regulations from 2015. The cost of production is ridiculous. So they have little choice.

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The land rover has been the best off road vhicle for years.


Used them in forces for years and done a good job.

Left the forces and the company I work for uses 12 and 13 plate land rovers.


I personally dont drive the new ones but all the guys that do think there shite.

Put just standard 2l transit engine in them I belive.

Correct me if im wrong.


Also if your bigger than 5ft2 then your in clip as they are to tight and sight to upright.

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I know a keeper who gets a new landrover every 11 months says there shite always got a problem the engine is the same as a transit but slightly modified to cope with departure angles ect he was on about getting a toyota but the boss likes british so he may well have the new one when it comes out,

the 300 tdi was as good as it gets and the army still used this when the td5 came out, the landy design was good but dont compare to the jap stuff for reliability

I was thinking of getting a land rover project myself for the summer id love a series 1 80 inch

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Only land rover i'd ever have again would be a blue series 3 88" truck cab with ifor williams canopy, a 2.25 petrol, sling a set of +2" parabolic springs and good shocks in to it. then a set of 235/85r16 bfg muds on white 8 spokes.

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I've had 2 discos, a defender and a p38 range and the best was the discos for comfort and drive ability, the 110 made me find out I had kidney stones fs uncomfortable noisey basstard . The rangey drank more than the beer tent brigade at a game fair. The disco was the best but suffered from gingeritus and rotted til death

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Just found out the top end needs opened up now, so was in on Friday, broke down Saturday way a different problem, was in to get fixed on Monday for starter problems and its needs to go back in to get opened up at some point in the near future, that sums the newest defender model up.

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