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Islamic School 'take-Over'

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Operation Trojan Horse ; militant Muslims plotting to take over schools, have Christian head teachers and governors fired and the implementation of sharia law in schools !!! It's happening now, and th

Problem in the uk is that not enough people care and wont until its too late

Pity theres not more like him

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Operation Trojan Horse ; militant Muslims plotting to take over schools, have Christian head teachers and governors fired and the implementation of sharia law in schools !!! It's happening now, and the government will do nothing about it , in fear of upsetting the Muslims. On I T V main news today, teacher leading anti Christian chants in the assembly of a Bradford school !! Labour and the LibDems will allow this in the name of "diversity"; the Tory cowards will do nothing. For fucks sake; vote UKIP !!!!!

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  On 14/04/2014 at 15:50, maxhardcore said:

Start speaking your minds folks wherever and whenever you see fit

If someone calls you a racist tell them to f**k off and mind their own business

Being against a certain religion aint racist and let folk know your thoughts.



Been doing this for years, I also refuse to buy anything from their shops, petrol stations and take aways

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There Shouldn't Be Religion In Schools , That Would Be A Start Where These People Can't Brain-Wash Others , The Man Appointed To Look Into This Has Already Stated He Doesn't Believe There's A Take-Over . . . So Straight Away He's Giving An Opinion Without Looking At The Facts , I Wonder If He'd Off Said He Thinks There IS ;) . . Not On Your Life Would He Off Said That WHY Cause He'd Off Been Called A Racist So Through Fear Off That He's Stating What Those He's Investigating Want To Hear . . These People Want It All There Way And Those Running This Place Will Gift Wrap There Wishes . . Cowards The Lot Off Them From Cameron Down . . As Max Says Give An Opinion & If Its Classed As Racism Tough !!

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  On 14/04/2014 at 19:55, lanesra said:

There Shouldn't Be Religion In Schools , That Would Be A Start Where These People Can't Brain-Wash Others , The Man Appointed To Look Into This Has Already Stated He Doesn't Believe There's A Take-Over . . . So Straight Away He's Giving An Opinion Without Looking At The Facts , I Wonder If He'd Off Said He Thinks There IS ;) . . Not On Your Life Would He Off Said That WHY Cause He'd Off Been Called A Racist So Through Fear Off That He's Stating What Those He's Investigating Want To Hear . . These People Want It All There Way And Those Running This Place Will Gift Wrap There Wishes . . Cowards The Lot Off Them From Cameron Down . . As Max Says Give An Opinion & If Its Classed As Racism Tough !!

Yup it'll be swept under the carpet......as per

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Birmingham is the first I would expect more areas to have similar investigations soon enough but they only need to look at the amount of Islamic faith schools and colleges I bet they haven't got a clue what hardliners will preach in there you can bet when they vist it will be all done with whats required to keep getting there funding and the amount of sharia law courts that are springing up to see a lot of muslims don't want integration but will play the race card when they don't get there own way Cameron even attended the world Islamic banking event held in London which is the fastest growing banking system in the country

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TBH i would sooner they have their own schools i feel sorry for the perants of non muslim kids trying to bring their kids up in heavly populated muslim areas were 85 pct of the kids attending school are muslim one of the reasons i was fortunate that my kids and grandkids attended a catholic school.

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  On 14/04/2014 at 18:07, Pedwar said:


  On 14/04/2014 at 15:50, maxhardcore said:

Start speaking your minds folks wherever and whenever you see fit

If someone calls you a racist tell them to f**k off and mind their own business

Being against a certain religion aint racist and let folk know your thoughts.



Been doing this for years, I also refuse to buy anything from their shops, petrol stations and take aways



How old are you?

You sound like my dads generations age.

He walks 3 mile to a shop before he will go in the pakis round the corner :laugh:

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