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I got back from Brunei Yesterday and after 30 odd hours travelling and getting drunk sober drunk sober drunk sober ..The ghillie on our beat had heard I was home and phoned to say there were a few few fish about ....so I loaded the single and small double hander onto the truck and headed for a cast ....our beat fishes best when what we describe it as "on the bones of its arse " and was greeted with a river that was bang on ....I saw a few fish that were not running and covered them and had one offer but I was strruggling to keep my eyes open so called it a night to return in the morning .

I had great plans in getting up at dark go out for a shine and be on the river for daylight coming in ...but must of needed a good nights kip as I woke at 8 and was on the river for 9 ...I was sitting in the lodge with another lad and the ghillie having the craic & watching the lower brigg pool when a small grilse or sea trout showed itself so I decided to have a go at it with a full floater ,long 6lb leader and a tiny black Francis...first cast and a decent fish topped and tailed a bit lower down the pool so covered that and just as the fly was on the turn a big bow wave headed for the fly and I was in.... the reel screeming as a fish I reconed was around 20 headed down stream taking me to the backing straight away ...just as the ghillie came down I said I cant give it fuk all as ive only got 6lb line on with that the rod straightened and it was gone ....my fault I should of put on bigger line .

Headed up to our top pool Allans ....saw a fish covered it with another wee black francis and was in straight away but lost a wee grilse.

Another fish showed and it took and lost a grilse of a bout 5lb just as it was at the net ....a few minutes later and down stream a bit had a very gentle take and the reel was screaming again and I was not letting this one get away... a decent 10 minute fight and had a 7lb bar of silver in the net returned to continue its journey .....



On the vice tonight to tie some black francis and have another go tomorrow

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