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Marquez In Texas

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I reckon it will be lorenso 2nd, pedrosa 3rd. marquez is such a naturally gifted rider, ive been watching him for a few years now and hes got that little extra, most of the other riders are trying to adopted his riding style to try and stay with him, even rossi,

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Marquez is something special I agree, but not unbeatable, not when Jorge is on form...


I wished Stoner had stayed on for one more season... :bye:


I don't really like Marquez to be honest, I saw him run Luthi off the track in moto2 2 or 3 years back and it was a dirty move, and when he bounced off Lorenzo on the last turn in one race last season, another dirty move because he couldn't beat him straight up...

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As the rules are and how honda dosnt burn fuel like the others and the fact that jorge is having a mare then championship is almost over, now in this fact fast fast sport things do change quickly, just ask rainey and doohan and jorge last year, i do think jorge was the best rider last year and the injury put pay to his title hopes,, what can beat marquez????? Weather, t bones and engine failure, this mark could be the real deal best ever.

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Did you see that jump start!!!!!!!! WTF was that all about.....I think the pressure of needing a win got to him...


Then mark had a big moment on the last turn, brief lapse in concentration, probably tasting the champagne already lol....


But honestly, mark could break both legs in a crash, its nowhere near over...

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I'm not a great fan of Marquez as he's a dirty rider. Unfortunately for everyone else, doing whatever it takes to win, whether it be pure talent or dirty tricks, he's prepared to do it. Look at Rossi and Capirossi in the old days. They'd ram you off the track as soon as look at you if they considered you a real threat.

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