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Confirmed ! Cameron Delusional !!

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I know there are some who think of CamMoron as a cult figure...........I think they said 'cult'..............but this is probably going a bit far.



Edited by Blackbriar
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That's his little token gesture to the Conservative Christians to counter legalising gay marriage.


If he was genuinely speaking up for the predominant native faith of this countries citizens, I may almost respect his action, despite being firmly atheist.

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So, according to our elected leader, humans only started working as a collective group 2,000 years ago? How far removed from reality can one person be?


There have been countless civilizations before the birth of Christ and even Christ was delivered during the rule of the Roman Empire. If we didn't work together as a group for the benefit of all then we simply wouldn't have got to the point of coming down from the trees as you can't live on the ground with predators about unless you have a look out to warn you of approaching danger therefore "Looking out " for one another.


These morons really do make me wonder how they got to where they are even with all the connections and secret handshakes. How do they know how to get out of bed etc?


The time of "looking cool" and having rock n roll bands to Number 10 for tea is over, done, dusted and looked odd back then. Nothing makes you less cool or respected than trying to be cool or respected. The country needs leading, the propositions put forward by the elected government has meant that the vast majority of the population are having to work harder to keep the f-ing boat afloat so do us all a favour and put the work in yourself instead of talking utter shite and worrying about your public image. Do the job right and your public image will look after itself because your job IS to do right by the public of this country. You can't please all of the people all of the time but just pleasing yourself means you're a wanker.

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hes a fud.


But you all voted for him, well a high % of fuds voted him in to power.

NO-ONE voted him into power. He is PM by virtue of striking a deal with the treacherous ba5tards of the Lib - Dem Party !


CamMoron is a wanker - Clegg made a deal with wankers !

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hes a fud.


But you all voted for him, well a high % of fuds voted him in to power.


NO-ONE voted him into power. He is PM by virtue of striking a deal with the treacherous ba5tards of the Lib - Dem Party !


CamMoron is a wanker - Clegg made a deal with wankers !

Bollocks he still had the majority of the vote

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hes a fud.


But you all voted for him, well a high % of fuds voted him in to power.

NO-ONE voted him into power. He is PM by virtue of striking a deal with the treacherous ba5tards of the Lib - Dem Party !


CamMoron is a wanker - Clegg made a deal with wankers !

Bollocks he still had the majority of the vote

No, he didn't.. :no: His party had more votes than any other party but the majority of people in the UK didn't vote for them..
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Yes, the Conservatives had the most MPs but not an overall majority . Rather than try to form a minority government or have another general election, they chose to throw away everything a true conservative, (big or small "c"), believes in, and invited the lying, pro EU LibDems into a coalition party ! The LibDems were a distant third in the election, and, in a democracy, have no right to have people in a position of power ! The LibLabCon will continue to rule us in cahoots with the EU until we realise that they need to be stopped ; and the ONLY way to do that is to vote UKIP , or if UKIP isn't for you, vote for an Independent !!!

Edited by Brigzy
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