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Guest nitedog

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If there is another breed in the mix as well as saluki and greyhound you will get fox killers. Saluki x greyhound and heavy saturated saluki crosses do not like killing stuff that bite back, they might well have a nibble doubled up with a capable fox killer but not much more.


How do you know this?






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I did have a vid clip up from Youtube a while ago, of a pure saluki taking a arabian wolf, in arabia. It did a very good job of it. Not sure if you have seen it.?

I have tryd finding it, but it has gone. I have had a first cross saluki greyhound take fox after fox, till it was 11 years old. I have freinds over here, that take foxes with their saluki 's and saluki first crosses, on a regular basis.

You seem very sure in your self, that they can not?


Please explain?

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Guest joe ox
I did have a vid clip up from Youtube a while ago, of a pure saluki taking a arabian wolf, in arabia. It did a very good job of it. Not sure if you have seen it.?

I have tryd finding it, but it has gone. I have had a first cross saluki greyhound take fox after fox, till it was 11 years old. I have freinds over here, that take foxes with their saluki 's and saluki first crosses, on a regular basis.

You seem very sure in your self, that they can not?


Please explain?


I have heard about the clip but not seen it so can not comment on it. I said in a earlier post that there is always gona be exception to the rule. The reason I am sure is because I have seen (not heard off friends) them refuse to do.

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Guest nitedog
me mates are saiuki greyhounds or mirlin eve. what kind ov hibrid would you say saluki xbull :thumbs:


saluki xgreyhound/ lurcher not x bull , but merlin eve lines are from 20 years ago so unless its continual line breeding that strain is virtually non existent now, my grandads second cousin sons son is ex world title contender for supermiddleweight crown and fought nigel benn , but doesent mean i could beat floyd mayweather , but the breedings there :gunsmilie::gunsmilie::gunsmilie:

the merlin and eve dogs me mates got are line bred .back off his dads good mate. bruce woodcock R.I.P :thumbs:

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Guest joe ox
if you want fox dogs get a bull x,simple as that.

i have a saluki greyhound that has taken numerous foxes,but theyre noy out and out fox dogs


There are other good crosses which make good fox killers as well as bulls.

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I had a few saluki bitches/dogs that where the gravey on hares but jacked big time on chuck just couldnt deal with it and i might add that this was backed up by a number of my fellow coursers pre ban of course.

This is just my experience mind!

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