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Khaled Aseem (that typically British name) with his 17,000 children moaning on about it.   Here's a suggestion, get the f**k home!!

Maybe it's just me, but I find it amazing how these stories crop up when a cabinet minister has been caught red handed having a giant fiddle on the exes.......we could call it stealing from the public

How you watching it? Get back to McDonald's ya lazy b*****d


I would rather vote for independence in August than vote for ukip


I f****n hate salmond[/qu


You'd rather vote for someone you hate, who is leading your country to destruction, either alone or as part of an. EU that will drag you down like Greece, Italy and Spain; than vote for someone who wants us to make our own laws and vote for our own politicians without interference from the Germans and the French, let alone faceless beurocrats from Belgium ?? Very strange.

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I would rather vote for independence in August than vote for ukip


I f****n hate salmond[/qu


You'd rather vote for someone you hate, who is leading your country to destruction, either alone or as part of an. EU that will drag you down like Greece, Italy and Spain; than vote for someone who wants us to make our own laws and vote for our own politicians without interference from the Germans and the French, let alone faceless beurocrats from Belgium ?? Very strange.


We have our own laws always have always will.

If eu make rules we don't have to agree to anything.

Uk can make as much derogations and exemptions to eu laws as it likes.

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