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They want folk out of London because the land these a shithouse estates sit on is so f*****g valuable it's not true........they were giving them 25% deposit for a mortgage to move out of Newham and down to my area !!.........yes that's right, 25% !!!

The grounds worth more with them out than with them in paying rent, another thing cleverly engineered by the Blue/Red/Yellow clones in government and dressed up as "fighting benefit culture"

If they were in the least bit serious about getting people out working they would do away with 75% of all the taxes we have to pay, every c**t would be out grafting tomorrow!!

Like I said, smoke and mirrors to cover up for one of their own caught stealing AGAIN !

I posted this about local authorities in London paying folk to move a while back mate:



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Khaled Aseem (that typically British name) with his 17,000 children moaning on about it.   Here's a suggestion, get the f**k home!!

Maybe it's just me, but I find it amazing how these stories crop up when a cabinet minister has been caught red handed having a giant fiddle on the exes.......we could call it stealing from the public

How you watching it? Get back to McDonald's ya lazy b*****d

i got two lazy shites near me never worked a day in the ten years ive been here.Holiday every year ,takeaways weekly,both smoke n drink,nice car,latest phone etc etc :censored: .I work 6 days a week, takeaway is a fecking treat ,cant remember my last holiday makes my fecking blood boil :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

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just like the cxnts next door deal drugs take away every other night kids to school by taxi both smoke and drink free laptops through school disability car and flat he rents out and there both on disability through addiction yet he only drinks at weekends yet if he vists his dole officer he will drink a couple of cans before the welfare system is tailored for theses cxnts to abuse it

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I assume you're from Ireland, a bankrupt country that voted to leave the EU but was ordered to vote again and again until it got the result that the EU wanted? A country whose banks were on the verge of collapse and who was the first to step in with loans to save them ? Of course it was the UK, bailing you out with money we had to borrow !! For fucks sake we love Ireland, why don't you join us and we both leave the EU and get prosperous again ? At BGWM. . Not. Wilf.

Big g is from Northern Ireland not Ireland

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I assume you're from Ireland, a bankrupt country that voted to leave the EU but was ordered to vote again and again until it got the result that the EU wanted? A country whose banks were on the verge of collapse and who was the first to step in with loans to save them ? Of course it was the UK, bailing you out with money we had to borrow !! For fucks sake we love Ireland, why don't you join us and we both leave the EU and get prosperous again ? At BGWM. . Not. Wilf.

im from Northern Ireland mate, g.b . The southerners are happy doing their own thing but I'm sure most would agree its a fecking rip off down there from it joined the euro. We always chase the salmon down there on the weds coast it's a beautiful place but by fcuk it's expensive. When they had the punt it was cheap as chips
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Some people not all are happy to revive bennefits and do sod all but sit and moan


Its not guys that are on benifits that is issue with with.

It happens to the best of us at some point or sickness.


Its these fooking forigners winging about gettin there 800-£1000 weekly allowance capped that pisses me off

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They want folk out of London because the land these a shithouse estates sit on is so f*****g valuable it's not true........they were giving them 25% deposit for a mortgage to move out of Newham and down to my area !!.........yes that's right, 25% !!!


The grounds worth more with them out than with them in paying rent, another thing cleverly engineered by the Blue/Red/Yellow clones in government and dressed up as "fighting benefit culture"


If they were in the least bit serious about getting people out working they would do away with 75% of all the taxes we have to pay, every c**t would be out grafting tomorrow!!


Like I said, smoke and mirrors to cover up for one of their own caught stealing AGAIN !


Yeah and they stopped all the indusrties people where working in 20 years ago cause was costing to much to maitain.

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The uk benifit system was the envy of theworld destroyed by the the very people it was created to help US !!!! Are own , we voted in theives robbers. Fraudsters in to power , for 30 years reaping havoc destorying this nation and creating an under class then conpounding it by giving in to the EU , wasting are natural wealth on benifits insted of training and investment ,



GET OUT OF THE EU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Conspiracy theory here.......


Do you think they make these programs,,,so us lot ,,the average hard working joe in the street hate folk on benefits even more,,,,,


Take this program ,,,apart from one white girl,,,most of them where foreigners ,,and all moaning about getting shipped out of London ,,,,


So of course us lot watching these c**ts,,,,, get wound up even more ,,,and start to support these benefit reforms.....



Now flip this program over,,,,,let's say they picked a nice white family,,,,and not one of these usual gobshite family's you see on the other programs,,,would the program makers get the same reaction,,,even on this site some of us would be more forgiving,,,,,,


Now let's say one of these nice white family's ,,,the husband had been discharged from the army with that she'll shock ,,,post traumatic stress thing......and it was this family that was getting shifted out,,,,kids being moved from schools ,,other family locally ,,,doctors and other organisations that are helping the husband.......


Ya see wilfs right,,, it's just a smoke screean .....

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I dont think theres any conspiracy......i think these programs are on because people want to watch them as tv ratings probably indicate...simple...............same with the Jeremy Kyle show it says a lot more about the people who watch them than the people on them.............if theres no viewers theres no program.......people want to watch this shit apparently :blink:

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Na mate everything is smoke screens when its suiting the southerners.


None of thos cockney fookers or south east of the country bothred there arse when they closed down everything north of birmigham because it was suiting them all the money was in london and surrounding areas.


What did everyone up here get told to do,

Leave your veillages after 40 years and move where the work is I think they all said.

Now no one can afford to live in london and fookers like me have to pay those fookers subs out my tax so they can live.


f***ing joke, Torries are all the same

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I dont think theres any conspiracy......i think these programs are on because people want to watch them as tv ratings probably indicate...simple...............same with the Jeremy Kyle show it says a lot more about the people who watch them than the people on them.............if theres no viewers theres no program.......people want to watch this shit apparently :blink:

I don't think there is some secret cabal of people at the top BUT I also don't believe anything happens by accident when it comes to politics.

IMHO the stories are trickled into contacts in the media who then make the programmes for the masses to lap up.


You know yourself mate, when it comes to the powers that be, they can do anything they want to suit there purpose.......remember the old days when the cozzers used to sit down and decide who was getting bird that week and who wasn't ?

I don't think we have moved on much from there, they are just more slick with the methods.

Edited by WILF
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