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Khaled Aseem (that typically British name) with his 17,000 children moaning on about it.   Here's a suggestion, get the f**k home!!

Maybe it's just me, but I find it amazing how these stories crop up when a cabinet minister has been caught red handed having a giant fiddle on the exes.......we could call it stealing from the public

How you watching it? Get back to McDonald's ya lazy b*****d

I still couldn't sit on my arse for 25,000 my parents instilled a work ethic into me that that just won't let that happen I could quit work this week and earn more a month thn I take home now but it's never going to happen

Edited by budharley
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It's the social cleansing of London ,,,,


London want them out,,,,and the rest of the country is going to pick up the pieces,,,,looks like the rest of the country will be poorer,,,,and London will become richer,,,,

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I'm more suspicious of why every f***ing week were getting all this bullshit on TV.


Thought the TV were meant to be impartial. How about a programme about tax dodgers

Take the cameras into the homes and life's of a few of the board members

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Khaled Aseem (that typically British name) with his 17,000 children moaning on about it.


Here's a suggestion, get the f**k home!!

How you watching it? Get back to McDonald's ya lazy b*****d

Nuffin wrong with makin whoopers for living

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Takes the spotlight off the MP's dodgy dealings and makes the benefit claimants(claiming which they are entitled whether we like it or not) look bad or alot worse than they actually are.

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Takes the spotlight off the MP's dodgy dealings and makes the benefit claimants(claiming which they are entitled whether we like it or not) look bad or alot worse than they actually are.

Na they still ain't as bad as those MPs that's pure greed

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