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Collie Brains

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I've kept crossbred herding dogs,..all my life,...used other types, for other business, and enjoyed them immensely, but I always return to the mongrel curs..As for brains,.well,... I've seen some ree

Weasel,,, I don't think bulls get enough credit,,in the brains department,,,some of them are incredibly intelligent ,,,in fact more often than not,,more intelligent than the other end of the lead,,,lo

If your collie x is too slow to catch fookall or is a jacker you can always find other uses, nothing more silly than a man chasing after his own hat    

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Last year I went out with a pup out of Paulus's dog not sure which one, for a pup that dog had an old head on it's shoulders, that said the owner was pretty switched on with the pup too. To see him handling the pup, no pressure on the pup just gentle guidance now and again when it was needed, to see the pup react positively was a real pleasure to watch. A good dog in the making.


Some men can get the best out of a dog, others can't.



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Last year I went out with a pup out of Paulus's dog not sure which one, for a pup that dog had an old head on it's shoulders, that said the owner was pretty switched on with the pup too. To see him handling the pup, no pressure on the pup just gentle guidance now and again when it was needed, to see the pup react positively was a real pleasure to watch. A good dog in the making.


Some men can get the best out of a dog, others can't.



all men are different all dogs are different but some just seem to understand each other when this happens an average dog will possibly become a good dog, i am shit at most things but i can see in doggy vision :laugh::laugh:

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Last year I went out with a pup out of Paulus's dog not sure which one, for a pup that dog had an old head on it's shoulders, that said the owner was pretty switched on with the pup too. To see him handling the pup, no pressure on the pup just gentle guidance now and again when it was needed, to see the pup react positively was a real pleasure to watch. A good dog in the making.


Some men can get the best out of a dog, others can't.



all men are different all dogs are different but some just seem to understand each other when this happens an average dog will possibly become a good dog, i am shit at most things but i can see in doggy vision :laugh::laugh:


Surely it is not a coincidence that some owners seem to have an affinity with almost any cross and seem to get the best out of the dog no matter the cross? We have all had to learn how to handle dogs, the more dogs you have handled in theory the better you should be, but with some people it just seems instinctive.



Edited by tiercel
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Last year I went out with a pup out of Paulus's dog not sure which one, for a pup that dog had an old head on it's shoulders, that said the owner was pretty switched on with the pup too. To see him handling the pup, no pressure on the pup just gentle guidance now and again when it was needed, to see the pup react positively was a real pleasure to watch. A good dog in the making.


Some men can get the best out of a dog, others can't.



all men are different all dogs are different but some just seem to understand each other when this happens an average dog will possibly become a good dog, i am shit at most things but i can see in doggy vision :laugh::laugh:


Surely it is not a coincidence that some owners seem to have an affinity with almost any cross and seem to get the best out of the dog no matter the cross? We have all had to learn how to handle dogs, the more dogs you have handled in theory the better you should be, but with some people it just seems instinctive.




some people can sing,some paint and some understand dogs, i have a singing dog who can also paint :laugh::laugh:

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Last year I went out with a pup out of Paulus's dog not sure which one, for a pup that dog had an old head on it's shoulders, that said the owner was pretty switched on with the pup too. To see him handling the pup, no pressure on the pup just gentle guidance now and again when it was needed, to see the pup react positively was a real pleasure to watch. A good dog in the making.


Some men can get the best out of a dog, others can't.



all men are different all dogs are different but some just seem to understand each other when this happens an average dog will possibly become a good dog, i am shit at most things but i can see in doggy vision :laugh::laugh:


Surely it is not a coincidence that some owners seem to have an affinity with almost any cross and seem to get the best out of the dog no matter the cross? We have all had to learn how to handle dogs, the more dogs you have handled in theory the better you should be, but with some people it just seems instinctive.




See agree with that,but if you have a dog of any type thats jacked thought of jacking the only way you will stop it is not to work it to hard?

When i worked with horses i got the things that others could not get on with.

I aint any great trainer,but my dogs work i dont need collie to make a decent ferreting dog,It aint that hard encourage the bits you want discourage bits you dont,and leave them alone to work it out for there selves.Its not rocket sience. :whistling:

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Im losing the will to live.....

Well feck off and read another thread then no one is forcing you to read it. :whistling:




See agree with that,but if you have a dog of any type thats jacked thought of jacking the only way you will stop it is not to work it to hard?



This is what really puzzles me "I tested my dog to the limit" great but how does anyone know what the dogs limit is until it breaks? What they are actually saying is I run my dog till I killed it. They are not machines they are flesh and blood and should be treated as such.


This "jacking" lark is not new it has been going on for years and there are hundreds if not thousands of dogs that were killed over the years just to prove a point and to appease the ego of the owner. Every bit of flesh and blood has a limit that is how world records are set in any physical activity and that goes for humans as well as dogs. I just find it incredulous that some idiot is willing to kill a dog by pushing it beyond it limits just to say I tested my dog to the limit. people like that should be banned from owning dogs.


Just my thought on the subject, and to keep in with the thread a good collie will let you know when it's had enough, any good dog man would respect that the dog had given it's all.



Edited by tiercel
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Im losing the will to live.....

Well feck off and read another thread then no one is forcing you to read it. :whistling:




See agree with that,but if you have a dog of any type thats jacked thought of jacking the only way you will stop it is not to work it to hard?



This is what really puzzles me "I tested my dog to the limit" great but how does anyone know what the dogs limit is until it breaks? What they are actually saying is I run my dog till I killed it. They are not machines they are flesh and blood and should be treated as such.


This "jacking" lark is not new it has been going on for years and there are hundreds if not thousands of dogs that were killed over the years just to prove a point and to appease the ego of the owner. Every bit of flesh and blood has a limit that is how world records are set in any physical activity and that goes for humans as well as dogs. I just find it incredulous that some idiot is willing to kill a dog by pushing it beyond it limits just to say I tested my dog to the limit. people like that should be banned from owning dogs.


Just my thought on the subject, and to keep in with the thread a good collie will let you know when it's had enough, any good dog man would respect that the dog had given it's all.




Good post TC :thumbs:

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Where have i EVER said anything about testing a dog to its limits?

My dogs live better than me.

I had one dog ever jack(not including dogs that just didnt like teeth)

That dog got worked no where near as much as my dogs do now.

If i made a dog jack through working it to hard id nearly give up.

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Just my thought on the subject, and to keep in with the thread a good collie will let you know when it's had enough, any good dog man would respect that the dog had given it's all.


How do they do that they jack,lol :laugh:

We all know that but were not allowed to say it,Thats why we keep going back to ferreting you wont make a dog jack ferreting to easy.


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And by the way that dog was put down at 14-16 i lost count.

So if you have somthing to say keep it to facts,not what you want to believe,from reading a post.

As usual I have not got what I wanted to say across clearly. I was using the quote as a post that is indicative of the people who class any dog that says "whoo I have had enough I have given my all" as jackers.


Even though the sentence did not make sense to me,"See agree with that,but if you have a dog of any type thats jacked thought of jacking the only way you will stop it is not to work it to hard?" I did draw the conclusion, erroneously perhaps, that you frowned on dogs that said "I have had enough". That was enough for me to get on my soap box and rant in general it was not meant personally. Apologies if I gave the impression it was meant for you.



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