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Breeding Ferrets Wat To Look Out For

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Make sure the jills are well in season( swollen vulva).also check that your hob testes are swollen also.put the Jill in wit your hob and leave them to it .don't be panicked at screeching from the Jill,it will be rough.I leave her in overnite and then remove her so she doesn't get hurt as the hob will still want to mate with her.the day I remove her I count from that day as being day one of the 42 days of pregnancy .may vary .make sure the Jill has plenty bedding near her time.best of luck

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I agree, most obvious thing is to make sure both are in season i.e. the hobs balls have dropped and the jills vulva is swollen like a walnut. Most hobs will do the job without any trouble :thumbs: There was a lot of screeching and opposition from my jill but I left them together for 2 weeks and now that the jills vulva has reduced to very small, they have been separated. ALWAYS make sure the jill has clean surroundings as she's prone to infections when in season. Good luck ;)

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For starters feeding a litter of kits till there twelve weeks old they will eat as much as a small village and the amount your left with the jill kits will go and a few guys have had to run the hobs on till they where nearly a year old before finally getting rid of them . And its surprising how many folk that said aye i will have a couple will let you down and with no rabbits for the second year running more guys are packing in not wanting more ferrets

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